Welcome to my world of natural living and holistic nutrition.
I am here because of you. I want to help you take control of your health and wellness using natural principles and simple nutrition strategies.
I am an educator and motivator with a very unique background, and that makes my nutrition programs some of the most effective – and unique – programs available today.
I take what I have learned along my life’s journey to inspire others facing their own life challenges.
I love to learn. I thoroughly enjoyed getting academic degrees in geology, international geography, environmental science, fitness training and holistic nutrition.
In my youth, I was a concert pianist and award-winning vocalist, but what I really wanted to do was be a geologist and teach.

I happily become an OSHA Environmental Hazardous Waste Emergency Response Specialist and Toxicologist (HAZWOPER engineer), a firefighter, an author, and a college professor.
In 1991, I was diagnosed (better described as mis-diagnosed) with Grave’s disease. No one knew the cause of my disease, and no one had any answers to my many questions why I was dying.
Because of my engineering background, I discovered that aspartame found in NutraSweet/Equal® caused my illness. Knowing the CAUSE of my diagnosis, I cured myself and healed naturally in a matter of months.
I founded Starr Resources International after my recovery from aspartame poisoning. By 2004, my business had grown into The Hullistic Network, LLC, and I founded Microbe Conversions, LLC in 2008 (a research company).
At the time that I was sick with aspartame poisoning, I was an environmental science professor at The University of North Texas, and after I recovered from Grave’s disease, I then added holistic nutrition and natural medicine to my resume.
By combining my experience as a toxicologist and environmental field engineer with my natural recovery from Grave’s disease, my work developed into something very unique and effective in helping others find answers to health problems – answers that mainstream medicine does not typically provide.

In 1997, I published my first book, Sweet Poison: How The World’s Most Popular Artificial Sweetener Is Killing Us. As I wrote Sweet Poison, I naively assumed that my natural recovery from an incurable disease would change the world.
I quickly realized that I was wrong.
I exposed a very dishonest, political world of propaganda and corruption.
Through hard work and persistence, my diet sweetener work, nutritional counseling, and motivational speaking helped many people, but the propaganda and corruption continue.
Today, I am grateful for an International presence based on my disease recovery, on my books, and based on my Hair Analysis Program and on my 10-Steps To Detoxification Program. By sharing how I recovered naturally from aspartame poisoning, many others have recovered, too.
My Health Philosophies
My academic degrees and personal experience with aspartame poisoning helped me understand how toxic chemicals cause disease today.
By combining my knowledge in holistic nutrition with toxicology, human geography, and Emergency Response techniques, I created very effective wellness programs for natural healing.
I firmly believe that health and wellness cannot occur until THE CAUSE of disease is determined. I learned from my personal experience with aspartame poisoning that unless THE SOURCE of disease symptoms are eliminated, all the doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals in the world will only “mask” the problem, and healing may never be achieved nor successfully maintained.
This is why I firmly believe in the benefits of the Hair Analysis and my 10-Steps To Detoxification Program.
My Education

Before graduating from Lake Highlands High School in Dallas, Texas in 1973, I studied classical piano for 12 years and vocal training for 7 years. I won the Texas State Gold Medal for vocal solo performance at the age of 14.
I received a Bachelors of Science in International Geography at The University of Texas at Austin in 1997, and began working at Sun Oil Company as a uranium geologist.
I earned a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science from Texas A & M University in 1982, and began my college teaching career.
After I cured myself from aspartame poisoning, I went back to school for holistic nutrition and received my Certified Nutrition License from the American Health Science University in 1994, and a PhD in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College in 2000.
I had the privilege of being one of the first American environmental engineers to work on the remediation of the former Soviet army bases in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s, and this was when I first learned about the healing benefits of the French Green Clay.
Little did I realize that I would use the clay a few years later to cure myself from an incurable disease.

Learning From The Animals
Today, I live and have my office on a wildlife sanctuary in South Texas. My youngest son and I founded GREEN 501c3 charity organization for the protection of endangered tortoises, turtles, birds, and wildlife from around the world.
Using educational programs and on-going biological research, GREEN Wildlife Center documents ways to better understand and protect the many magnificent creatures around the world.
As I continuously work to perfect my nutritional counseling practice, the wildlife preserve reminds me daily that Nature’s animals are no different from humans in many ways. By learning more about the incredible creatures that we take care of at GREEN, I continue to appreciate a basic, holistic approach to challenging health issues for the people that I work with.
My Free Detox Program

I have made my Detox Program available for a free download, so simply sign up.
I am so grateful that you found my website, and surf the site to read more about me and my programs. I hope our paths cross often.
Have a wonderful day!