How can I NOT share this? ER Doctor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services risks her life to help save …
Case History: Aspartame Toxicity Begins In The Mouth
Hello Janet, I hope this email finds you in good health. I stumbled across your website when doing some research into oral lichen planus and the possible triggers to OLP. I didn't even know this …
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How To Detox From Vaccines
Many people ask me how they can detox from vaccines. If you've been vaccinated from any of the traditional vaccines, you can detox from the toxins in the vaccines and from the residuals that your …
Plandemic Series Link
The truth will always set you free. Buckle up - sometimes the truth is hard to accept, but our species cannot evolve without understanding why things are what they are, yesterday and today. The …
I’m Glad I Almost Died From Aspartame
No one wants to be deathly ill, but I'm glad I almost died from aspartame poisoning. Why? If I hadn't had a deadly reaction to aspartame, I would have never figured out how toxic it is, and I …
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Did You Know Aspartame Research Has Been Discredited?
We are in an information war today, but we've actually been in this war for decades - we just didn't know it. When I watch what's going on today with COVID and therapeutics, I can't help but …
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