Janet Starr Hull has created an effective and safe way to cleanse the body of toxins at the root of disease. Her proven Ten Step Detoxification Program helps restore health, gain energy, and purify the body of toxins – at any age.
Dr. Hull has combined five very basic nutritional components to remove toxins from the body while replacing the nutrients depleted by toxicity, restoring a natural state of health.
The detox program can be used safely for your lifetime as a maintenance for removing future chemical exposures.
Discovering many of the components in her Detox Program while doing environmental work in Eastern Europe, Dr. Hull combined the most basic nutritional supplements found in nature to remove unnatural chemicals from the body.
How to Detox?
I am now offering my detox program for free when you sign up for my free email newsletter, and learn more about my hair analysis program by clicking this link.
I Hope You Enjoy My Detox Program