Google aspartame in milk and you will find many posts about the latest campaign to profit off our children. I am actually glad that this push to place a known carcinogen into the hands of a child – your child – has happened because it has gotten more people involved, and aware, of this on-going “sweetener war.” Maybe NOW, people will stop this run-a-way train.
Researchers have KNOWN for decades that aspartame is toxic to humans, especially during pregnancy. Aspartame has been PROVEN time and time again to cause fetal deformities, brain damage, and cancer. Yet money talks, and aspartame remains on the public market, continuing to disrupt the healthy development of our children.
Who Benefits?
The dairy industry, for one. You’ll discover by reading the many posts on the worldwide web that the dairy industry favors this FDA approval because their profits will increase. Dairy has taken a downslide with consumer concerns about hormones, antibiotics, and a plethora of chemicals added to dairy these days, so hey, their sales will go up.
Watch for an increase in advertisements promoting “milk” for children’s health. The campaign to remove regular soft drinks in public schools has paved the way for diet drinks with aspartame, and now milk with aspartame, to be your child’s only choices. Oh, and flavored water with aspartame will also be available in the same vending machine in your child’s elementary school.
Come on – enough is enough. Let’s hope that the sweetener industry has finally gone too far this time. Pushing aspartame on our children is the final straw. It’s time to say NO to this invasion. It’s time to STOP addicting our children to the tastes of “fake fat and sweet.”
Teaching Our Kids

What families and good parenting try to teach children about nutrition and eating is in direct competition with what our kids are learning in school. If diet chemicals in sodas, milk, and water are available in their trusted classrooms, then children will learn that these must be the healthy choices – you teach your children to pay attention to what they are being “taught” in school – right? Then, they will accept, without question, that “aspartame” is healthy. And then, they become addicted to sweeter and sweeter tastes, which is no different than a drug dependancy.
Real food will be their last choice. When they get home after school hungry and tired, the last thing they’ll want is a bland carrot or a plain glass of unsweetened milk. Then eating disorders develop because they’ll crave the revved-up sweetness of the fake food they got at school. If you don’t satisfy their cravings, they’ll sneak them, all the time protesting the whole foods you offer them. Now, your child has become a food addict – a diet chemical food addict.
And we wonder why 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese and sick in America today.