Hello Janet,
I hope this mail finds you in good health.
I stumbled across your website when doing some research into oral lichen planus and the possible triggers to the OLP; my wife has only recently contracted the OLP.
When doing research into the condition, I realised that there were various doctors and experts in the field that reccomended cutting out artificial sweeteners when diagnosed with OLP. Just for the record, she is still very healthy and has always been very carefull with what she eats.
About 3 months ago, she went on a cereal sort of diet, morning and evening. Of course she used artificial sweeteners on the cereal for this period of time, and in the evening she had a craving for chewy sweets, which she had a least twice a week. These would be full of artificial sweeteners.
To cut a long story short, she developed OLP on the tongue, but now we have realised the aspartame may have triggered OLP, and have thrown the cereal away. She stopped eating the chewy sweets and has gone back to a normal diet with plenty of fruit and vegs, like normal. We have noticed a marked improvement and I wondered if you thought these toxins could have triggered the OLP. Any thoughts?
Kind regards from Nottingham UK.
From Dr. Hull
Anytime aspartame is used and health symptoms first appear, or get worse, I always recommend removing the diet chemicals (and all food chemicals, actually) as they have been proven to cause, and certainly exacerbate, health stress. I believe you and your wife have connected the dots very well in her case.
As your wife has already done, I always suggest removing all diet sweeteners, returning to a pure and natural diet, replacing all nutrients these chemicals rob from the body, and then, within a few weeks, health symptoms typically improve or completely go away.
Remember that damage has been done from a diet of man-made chemicals, so restore healthy nutrients ASAP, and typically a natural multi-vitamin program is needed for some healthy ER work here.
It appears that your wife is one of millions who restored normal health after the diet chemicals were completely stopped. Congratulations to you both!
The best in health.