Dr. Hull,
I have a strong feeling that mold and mold spores have played a major role in my poor physical condition. Will a hair analysis show anything for this?
Have a great day.
From Dr. Hull
Microbes do not produce an inorganic waste that excretes into the hair, which is one reason why they can be so toxic; they remain in the body and multiply. Microbes do not show in your hair follicle, so the hair analysis will not pick them up.
Their wastes are organic – CO2, acids, etc. However, microbes do attach to heavy metals in the body like a barnacle attaches to the bottom of a boat – a nice vehicle for housing and transport. If microbes + metals are present, more than likely, they are interconnected.
When I do a hair analysis, I look at all inorganic toxins present in your hair, and how they are effecting your nutrients. Then I consider if mold or another microbe might be a factor in your health symptoms, especially if you have strong health symptoms, but your metals are too low to be causing them.
Anyway you look at it, if you feel that exposure to microbes (mold) is a probability, detoxing for microbes is highly recommended. But, again, I will look at all toxins present, and then design a strategy and program recommendation for you.
Having the hair analysis done at any time is a wise health move. It beats guessing!