We tend to forget that sweetness is actually a by-product of food, real food that is. This is nature’s way of encouraging us to consume nutritious foods for energy, and have some pleasure while we do it.
Natural sugars are a source of fuel – our bodies need some sugar to boost our engines – unprocessed and natural sugar, that is. Nature provides just the right amount of sugar in foods, arranged around healthy enzymes, fiber, and essential nutrients pre-packaged by Mother Nature herself. This secures the healthy survival of all plants and animals.
Man-made sweetness, revved-up sweetness, and artificial sweetness are traps that addict people to sweeter tastes, minus the nutrition. This creates irresponsible, gluttonous, unhealthy food addictions.
The Sugar-Free Trap
Artificial sweeteners are marketed as “super-sized sweetness with no penalties”, but the research proves that this is not true. People with eating disorders, children who are first learning about healthy food habits, and consumers with diabetes and degenerative illnesses are mislead by crafty advertising campaigns. Artificial sweeteners have no nutritional value, but they do have massive profitability.
Artificial sweeteners are never found in nature in healthy, all-natural foods loaded in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, and protein.
The human body doesn’t use diet food chemicals as a source of nutrition, and there are plenty of ways people with diabetes can live long and healthy lives without depending on the artificial sweeteners. But, because people are unaware of the history of the diet sweeteners, most of us are confused.
Return To The Way Things Used To Be
Who do you believe? As an educated consumer, you DO have a choice. You can protect yourself from avoidable illnesses by simply being aware of the discord stuffed inside that little colored sweetener packet.
Return to eating real foods with a natural sweetness. Eat like your grandparents ate. Don’t spend your money on the manufactured, chemical foods.
Buy all-natural, real, organic foods. You’ll feel the difference. You’ll lose weight, sleep better, have more stable emotional reactions, suffer less stress, and return to your self.
Sound good? Believe me. Just try it! If not for you, do it for your children.