Marketing experts have packaged the artificial sweeteners very attractively and seductively, but you’ll be surprised at what is really inside.
Over the past thirty years of artificial sweetener use, the artificial sweeteners have been proven to be harmful to human health, and their common side effects are weight gain, diabetes, emotional disturbances, sexual dysfunction, birth defects, and life threatening degenerative diseases.
Our Wake up Call
It’s time to admit that there is no free ticket to eating all the sugar-free products you desire without paying the high price of harming your body in the long run.
The “technology of foods” – artificial sweeteners and manmade foods – has taken us too far down the wrong road, and they will not secure eternal health, beauty, slimness, or youth, as the advertisers would like us to believe.
Laboratory chemical compounds are not the answer to good health.
No More
Artificial sweeteners are a mix of chemical compounds created in a laboratory that are unnatural to eat, and they were never meant to enter your body. Basically, these chemical compounds either accumulate in your vital organs, which can cause serious health damage, pollute your bloodstream, which can cause serious health damage, or result in eventual mutations of your cells, which can cause serious health damage.
Anytime you put toxic chemicals into your body this unnatural, your body’s immune system will attack them, and harmful reactions occur. Actually, this is what your body’s immune system was created to do – attack foreign bodies. The solution to long-term health is to stop eating and drinking all chemical diet sweeteners.
The Solution
Here’s a tip: select a “safe” sweetener or no extra sweetener at all: whatever nature creates as sweetness is usually nontoxic to your body, but typically, chemicals that human beings create and twist together in a laboratory beaker as sweetness can be toxic to your body and not accepted by your body as safe, healthy, or natural. This can result in serious health symptoms and chronic illness; especially if you eat or drink toxic chemicals every day, all day, and in large amounts.
It’s that simple. Stop using any artificial sweeteners. When the Big Corps stop making money, things will change!