Name: J Mac;
City: Nashville;
Age: 42;
Sex: Female;
Aspartame Consumption: I used for 25 years;
Health symptoms started after consuming aspartame: Yes;
Diet Products Used: At the time, I drank diet coke in large amounts, 2-3 32 oz per day. At different times, I also ate diet foods with aspartame in it. Slimfast, yogurts, etc.;
Do you use Equal: No;
Do your children use aspartame: No;
Are you aware of products not labeled sugar-free: No;
May we include your case history on website: Yes;
Do you want your information anonymous: Yes;
Referred by: Google;
I am sharing the health message to anyone who will listen.
I have been off diet coke and aspartame for almost four years. It took me about two years to officially quit.
I began having tremors, which I still have today. They are mild, but noticeable. I also had headaches, joint pain, and ear trouble.
At the end, looking back now, there were some psychological issues like depression and anxiety, but I did not link the two at the time.
I believe that something needs to be done about diet coke and its availability. I believe it is toxic and terrible for the body. I started drinking it as a teenager, never thinking something would be sold to me that would harm me. I was so naive.
The sad thing is, I thought I was making the healthier choice.
So, I have been “clean” from diet coke for almost four years. It was so hard to get off of. It is like a real addiction.
Now that I am off of diet coke, and even most processed foods, my health has greatly improved. All the joint pain is gone. That pain was 24 hours a day. I lost weight. The headaches have subsided, but the tremors are still there.
I feel like I have permanent diet coke damage. But, I was the fool who drank it.
From Dr. Hull
J, your email is very touching – you sound so smart and brave, and you have been honest with yourself through all of this.
It is tragic that profit trumps human health, but after so many research studies have been ignored as if they do not even exist proving aspartame dangers, the only conclusion left is that this diet industry nets the Big Corps and Big Pharma so much money, our health – your health – matters less than their power and profit. That realization is hard to accept because it is cruel and harsh, but sadly, it is all too true today.
With people like you standing tall and refusing to buy this stuff anymore, at least you can restore your health, and take away some of their profits. You can continue to help others, when they are ready to listen, and know that what you have experienced can certainly help another.
Take a good multivitamin and a Vitamin C everyday to help your body repair itself. You might consider doing a hair analysis to see if any other toxins may still be present, like aluminum or tin – and to see if your body is still depleted in the essential nutrients aspartame robs from it.
Also, make sure that you do not go into hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), which is common when the diet sweeteners have been used. This is when your blood sugar dips too low. Eat smaller portions more often throughout the day to stop it from crashing. See if this helps those tremors.
You might be deficient in chromium or vanadium, which are blood sugar nutrients, but we won’t know for sure unless you do a hair mineral test.
Keep up the good work.
The best in health,
– Janet Hull