I’m emailing because I’ve been doing independent research on aspartame, and much of the data I’m finding related to the subject is showing that there is no causality relationship between aspartame and negative health effects, which is contrary to what you speak of so passionately.
I just wanted to get your take on some of the things that I’ve run across on the Internet. I figured you would be the best person to consult on this subject, and just wanted to get your opinion on some of the information that I’ve been finding. I’ve included a link to just an example of some of the stuff I’ve been reading. Anyways, I hope all is going well!
Thank you for following my work.
I have written many articles on aspartame research, on the aspartame approval timeline with research links, plus my book Sweet Poison. I have just posted a new article full of links to some research PDFs available to download.
If you search my websites, read Sweet poison, and do a search in my newsletter archives (link is in this new post), you will find the research you are asking for. Websites and links professing aspartame is safe based on corporate research is just the industry trying to convince people that “other” lab studies have never proved aspartame causes cancer.
It’s a stupid research war and name-calling game.
Science is science, but when research studies show damning results that threaten corporate profits, the name-game and research wars are on!
Industry tries to discredit anyone and anything exposing the truth. It’s the height of human declination in business.
I hope this helps clear up your confusion. I suppose as long as research continues to prove aspartame dangers, there will always be an article claiming the researcher, the reporter, or the actual victims are wrong.
Thanks for emailing.
Janet Hull