Nothing is more compelling than sharing a personal experience with a happy ending. I was contacted by a mother who helped her child escape the ADHD label, and begin a life of joy and creativity without prescribed meds.
Someone’s personal experience with a drug, food chemical, or inherited pre-disposition will always be unique because everyone is a unique individual. Even a diagnosis of diabetes can apply here – each person reacts to body changes differently.
No matter the circumstance, personal experiences can be some of our best “laboratory” data, and the input that a person’s experience can provide another can contribute to better knowledge, education, and empathy to help others traveling down a similar path.
Having been through my own life-changing experience with aspartame, I learned to gather data from other’s experiences, and usually this comes as success stories. I NEVER would have discovered the truth about aspartame dangers if I blindly trusted my doctor or Big Pharma’s rigged research and addictive drugs.
Thanks for sharing your story, Laura.
ADHD Diagnosis
My name is Laura and I am contacting you because my son has recently been diagnosed as having Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). As I have previously worked in mental health, I feel able to cope and help him with this.
A few years ago I took the step of changing my career from mental health to writing. Having done my research, I wrote a guide on ADHD, which I think is useful for other parents.
Here is the guide I have made –
I am sure you will agree that the guide offers some good advice and information for your site’s readers. It would be wonderful if you could share my guide as a resource or, alternatively, if I can write about ADHD for you with reference to my guide.
Best Regards,