Have you ever walked into a health food store or a whole foods market and noticed how many vitamin choices there are? Do you know what specific vitamins and minerals you really need? And which brands are the best?
These are common questions, and you can spend a lot of time and money buying vitamins that you might not need.
Take copper, for example. Organic forms of copper are necessary for a healthy nervous system, and for brain and heart function. Your body has copper wiring much like the electrical system in your house. But, are you high or low in copper? And what form of copper do you need? If you are low in copper, it is prudent to replace your levels with a quality and natural copper supplement. But, you definitely don’t need extra copper if you are high in it.
How do you know?
Hair Analysis

I don’t like to recommend specific vitamins or minerals for anyone unless I have done a hair analysis on them to see what nutrients they are high or low in.
I do recommend taking a quality, whole foods multi-vitamin 4-5 times a week, however. A quality vitamin supplement can assist your body like eating a full-spectrum, healthy meal, and this eases stress on your body when exposed to daily toxins.
Replacing essential nutrients calms hyper-active children, keeps the elderly strong, and prevents disease.
Sometimes, your body needs more than just a multi-vitamin, though. Instead of guessing what vitamins and minerals you should be taking, learn exactly what those nutrient levels are.
This saves you lots of money buying supplements you may not need.
Vitamin Directory
I do not sell vitamins in my practice, but I do recommend specific brands, and these are the supplements that I use myself and recommend to my clients, family, and friends. They can be found at most quality health food stores or on-line.
Bookmark The Hullistic Market where I share my Vitamin Directory listings with you – all of my favorite, recommended brands per individual vitamin.

My Personal Favs
I personally use Juice Plus Orchard and Garden Blend Capsules, and their Protein Powder for my smoothies. These are great products. Juice Plus is a little more expensive, but it is worth it, especially for kiddos and spouses who eat “lesser than” diets outside of the house. A protein smoothie is a wonderful after school snack, a before school on-the-run breakfast, or nighttime snack for hungry kids.
I also use essential oils, and I keep extra oils in my “prepper” cabinet. Essential oils are amazing, and they are worth the price when pure. Make sure to select an oil that is cold pressed and organic.
Here is the link to my famous French Green Clay from my French supplier, Walter Badet: http://www.hullisticmarket.com/supplements/french_green_clay
I am nuts over J.R. Watkins products, and you can order online with this discount ID: 533590. Just click Sign In, enter the ID, and shop for some of the best body products, shampoo, and cleaning supplies available today. Their laundry soap really rocks!
I have used the Niora Naturals skin care line since 1991 when I participated in the founder’s FDA approval program. Niora is one of the best skin care lines in the world, and Founder George Tindall is a genius..
I have left no stone unturned with my Directory, and I hope my time and efforts will save you time and money.