There is no question that the world is in the middle of some big changes these days – very big changes.
- changes in the climate, which shifts the weather;
- big changes in farming, destroying our soil by adding more toxins by the day;
- the depletion of fresh drinking water, which can be avoided BTW;
- deep rifts in social interactions, which are rooted to different cultural values;
- the disappearance of over 50% of the wildlife on Earth;
- changes in medicine;
- changes in education;
- major shifts in the economy.
Look, Listen, and Learn
As an International Geographer and professor, I have learned over the years that studying and accepting our differences as opposed to judging and manipulating them is the best way to live in global peace, happiness and wellness.
This outlook gifts the next generation a healthier future.
Annihilating our differences through force and control is unnatural, but humans seem to default to this behavior pattern, time and time again. You do not see any other animal on Earth behaving this way – if you did, there would be no life left.
Think about this. War, vaccinations, the manipulation of money and energy seed a broken and unnatural future. Again, you do not see any other animal on Earth behaving this way – if you did, there would be no life left.
Nature does not control – Nature merely guides!
Watch and observe what’s going on in the world today, but don’t stick your finger in someone else’s pie. If you don’t like how another is acting, or believing, then walk away. Don’t try to force them to fit into your mold.
It never works. It never has. It never will.
Excellent Quote From Ester Hicks
If you guide through anything other than your own example, it crosses over into the category of control.
If you say, “This is what I’ve found that works for me, try it if you like.” That’s guidance. If you say, “This is what I’ve found works for me, and if you don’t follow it, you’re in trouble,” that’s control.
Excerpted from the workshop: Sedona, AZ on August 31, 2002
Today Into Tomorrow
If you choose to not vaccinate your child, then that should be your choice. When you choose to put your money in the bank, that money should be yours, not the banks. If you don’t want a SmartMeter installed, you should have another, safer energy source to choose from. If you don’t want to eat GMO altered foods, you should have that freedom of choice.
Don’t default your existence to a system of control. It never ends in health, wellness, and personal empowerment at the end of the day.
Keep your finger out of everyone else’s pie – and keep their finger out of yours. If everybody did this, what a wonderful world this would be.