There’s an event that you don’t want to miss ongoing over the next nine days. I think that you’ll be amazed at what you discover.
A nine-part documentary series is now playing live through October 22, 2015 exposing the “hidden side” of the cancer industry.
After its premier on October 13, 2015, the documentary series The Truth About Cancer – A Global Quest, has gone viral on social media. It comes as no surprise that the mainstream media refused to air this series. It’s online now for free.
Chemical Warfare
If we turn back time and return to the basics of diet and nutrition, we will remember that cancer and other degenerative diseases can be prevented. By using the fundamentals of nutrients designed by Nature to nourish our bodies and support our immune systems, we can help our bodies in most cases – not all, but most.
I learned through my own illness caused by a known toxic food chemical – aspartame – that curing disease can be very challenging. But, it can be done!
Modern humans, especially in the USA and in the modernized Western countries, are becoming more stressed from exposure to pollutants and poisoned foods. We are as diseased today as when Genghis Khan unleashed the bubonic plague using a catapult in the Middle Ages.
It’s just more stealth today. But, the numbers of victims are the same.
In a way, our modern medical paradigm reminds me of chemical warfare.
Watch the videos.
The human body has not changed alongside our modern technology. Our bodies have not kept up with the technology of food.
We certainly shouldn’t be eating our technology!
This very second, your body is functioning exactly the way all human bodies functioned 10,000 years ago. So, feed it the same way to prevent modern diseases caused by modern technology.
Never forget that alternative medicine was the birth place of allopathic medicine. What’s changed?
Today, disease is big business.
How and when did we get so far off-balance?
I don’t know about you, but I will resist anyone or anything that tries to interfere with my right to live, breath, and die as I see fit for me. This is MY journey, and no one else’s. Mandatory vaccines, controlled disease treatment, rising medical costs, GMOs …Who’s driving this bus?
The world is changing rapidly before our eyes, and as things become more rapidly complex, the best thing that you can do for your health and wellness is stay informed.
And open-minded.
Defend your right to be you, do no harm to another, and keep your eyes and ears open. Appreciate the people who are working from the heart to inform you of the changes we face today, such as the The Truth About Cancer – A Global Quest Series.
And don’t forget to learn about Dr. John Richardson’s work with natural cancer treatments in my educational video series and e-book The Richardson Cancer Prevention Diet.
Stay involved. Stay informed. Always be prepared.
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.