Detox Question – French Green Clay
Q: Thanks for the download of your Detox Program. Based upon your book, I have been mixing 1 tablespoon of French Green Clay in about 8 ounces of water and drinking this in the evening on an empty stomach.
I’ve got to say that I have more energy and really feel much better.
The information on your website indicated that the more clay a person consumes, the faster they detox. So, is the amount that I am using (from above) sufficient or would it be better to mix more clay in the 8 ounces of water, or maybe take the mixture twice a day?
A: As long as it isn’t too much for your system to eliminate efficiently and you’re not getting constipated, taking it twice a day is fine.
Sometimes removing toxins faster than your body can get rid of them is a problem for some people. And remember that some reactions may occur if toxins are present; you may get headaches, flu-like symptoms, or constipated.
Just keep the input equal to the output and you’ll stay in balance. Also know that the clay will remove most all toxins, heavy metals, bacteria, yeast, and parasites, and witnessing this with your own eyes may be surprising, to say the least.
But if you are feeling better so quickly, it appears that your toxic load isn’t too bad.
Detox Question – Vitamin C
Q: Is it alright to use TIMED release vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) as compared to non-timed release vitamin C?
I am using a product called “Buffered Super Bio C” (ascorbic acid with Rose Hips), which also contains Bioflavanoid Concentrate, Rutin Concentrate, Hesperidin Concentrate, Pectin, and the buffering base contains Magnesium Stearate, Calcium Carbonate, and Magnesium Oxide.
Is this formula ok?
A: I don’t prefer the buffered form, but this type of “timed released” vitamin C isn’t as bad as time released products such as aspirin or timed released niacin – I’m not a fan of any time-released products.
These products have been ‘”forced” to not dissolve or assimilate immediately, which is what they are supposed to do after reaching your liver and your bloodstream.
These altered products are actually toxic to your liver. I prefer the “real thing” and I recommend avoiding any product that isn’t in its optimum natural state.
No foods found in nature are “timed-released” – they simply digest as soon as they get consumed.
That’s natural and healthy.
Buffered vitamin C is also not as strong or effective as a pure form, so in a perfect situation, I would search for a non-buffered and not a timed-released form of ascorbic acid. Most vitamin C these days is made from corn, and C from corn can cause a stomach ache, which is probably why they make a buffered form of corn-based C.
NutriBiotic® Brand and NOW have good product lines. I don’t think you’re harming your liver, but then again, this C is not going to be as effective and not as strong as the body removes toxins.
I use NOW Acerola powder. It tastes just fine mixed in water, and is one of the more natural choices available. Actually, I add this to a large glass of water and then add Electrolytes – it tastes as good as a soft drink, and is oh so heathy for me.
Bone-Up® For Bone Health
Q: Is it safe for me to take Bone-Up every day, twice a day? My husband is taking it once a day.
I just didn’t know how long I should take it. Can a person get too much of it?
A: Bone-Up is soooo good. Your side effects are too much bone health!
That said, you don’t need to take more than your body needs, so take the recommended dose, but stay consistent. Don’t start and stop. Simply take it regularly, and the length of time depends on your age and your calcium levels.
Have you had a hair analysis done to see what your calcium levels are?
Bone health requires more than just calcium – it is a blend of calcium, magnesium (1:1 ratio), strontium, phosphorus, and boron.
The hair analysis will show all of these levels, too.
You can get too much of one thing when your bones absorb past their limits; when they are saturated. They’ll get stronger, and your bone density will be that of a 20-year old, but if you take too much, the unused nutrients will excrete; this can push your pH too alkaline and can cause stress on your kidneys and bladder.
In today’s world, unless your pH is off and your digestion is compromised, having too many bone nutrients isn’t all that common.
For now, take the recommended dose 5 times a week, and you should be fine. If you are like others that I know, you won’t need any bone medication when you use Bone-Up. I put my 80-year-old mother on it, and she threw her bone meds in the trash. Her bones were like a 40-year-old.
Bone-Up is a product made by Jarrow Formulas, and my mom will tell you that it is a wonderful product to try.
Serotonin and Aspartame
Q: Hi Dr. Hull! Thanks for your newsletter. I do have a question for you.
How would you check a person’s serotonin level? My daughter, Katrina, seems to occasionally have the aspartame problems that you write about.
Are there other symptoms to look for?
A: Glad you emailed. Good question about her aspartame use, and one that makes sense to me.
For Katrina to have reacted SO strongly to aspartame means that she has a super sensitivity to serotonin receptors.
Makes sense?
Checking for serotonin levels is hard – there is a test that measures serotonin in your blood, but it’s generally only used to check for tumors outside of the brain. And, blood serotonin levels don’t necessarily reflect the levels in your brain.
Steer clear of neurotransmitter urine tests that are online, too.
All excitotoxins like MSG and food colorings mixed with aspartame will affect her adversely, but they are hard to test for. From my research using the hair analysis, when a serotonin imbalance is present, zinc and magnesium are usually depleted.
You should do a hair analysis on her to check these 2 nutrient levels. You can supplement her five times a week with magnesium malate for now; follow the dose on the bottle, but a hair analysis will tell us if she needs magnesium or zinc.
It’s best to know for sure, and this might be the best way to tell.
She can also take 30 to 60 mg of zinc before bed.
You could also try a serotonin inhibitor like 5-HTP in the day and then melatonin at night. This might set her clock straight. One bottle of each won’t hurt to try. If she has any reaction that’s scary, just stop and let me know.
This might just make a big difference. See if this helps.
Best to all,
Dr. Janet Hull
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.