Hair Loss
Q: Hi, I am losing my hair at a very early age, and I was hoping you could help. Maybe getting a hair analysis can identify why I am losing hair. Please contact me back.
Thank You!!
A: If hair loss isn’t genetic and you’re not destined to look like your balding Uncle Joe, then a nutrient imbalance or toxins are most likely present.
Eighteen years old is too young for hair loss. How has your diet been during your young developmental age? Do you use the diet sweeteners, which have been shown to cause hair loss.
I will tactfully ask this question – but is there any drug use such as marijuana? There is a connection between drugs and hair loss if applicable.
I certainly agree that a hair analysis will tell us a lot, and it would be worth doing before more time, and hair, passes by. Let me know what you decide to do, but you are on the right track.
Nutrition is really the only way to repair this issue over the long-term – not the advertised hair-loss drugs. Those wind up with their own health side-effects in the long run.
Early Signs of MS
Q: I just received your book, Splenda: Is It Safe Or Not? and I have not put it down.
I am curious about my water intake. I have read that people with autoimmune diseases should try to remove chlorine from their water.
I can only find a filter system that will get rid of the odor and taste of chlorine but not chlorine itself. What is your opinion of the reverse osmosis systems?
I have been told that I have the early signs of MS. This is after the Dr. couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me and wanted me to take muscle relaxers and all sorts of things.
After quitting all the diet sweeteners, I have had no more nerve damage at this time, so I am confident that I can beat this. If you recall, I emailed you a few weeks ago about your book.
Also, if I am already taking a multi vitamin with vitamin C and all of the B- vitamins, do I take more on the side?
A: I am glad you are enjoying the read and benefiting from the book. That is my wish for everyone.
Chlorine is a carcinogen, and avoid it and all chemicals the best that you can. It’s hard to do in today’s polluted society, and it’s really hard when they push these products on everyone, like with Splenda®.
The hair analysis and the detox will address just about any toxin you have been exposed to. Some toxins are easier to remove than others, so continue detoxing for as long as you feel the symptoms.
I believe that you can improve your MS symptoms because you are catching this problem in the nick of time, and identifying/removing the cause of your symptoms. If you know the cause and then remove it, your body can heal.
A reverse osmosis system is good to use, as is drinking bottled spring water. Avoiding all of the chemical sugars is very important, too.
Never give up hope and the belief that you can restore wellness.
Stay consistent – your body will appreciate the help.
Wishing you all the best.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Q: I have rheumatoid arthritis; it is greatly effecting my ankles, knees and wrists. I am on prednisone and Vioxx, and am trying to detox so I can purge this dis-ease.
Do you know of anyone who has been successful in detoxing and reversing RA symptoms? I am determined to erase the symptoms rather than mask them.
Thank you for any input you may offer.
A: These particular medications can create problems by themselves, so try not to stay on them for too long, even though I know that’s hard to avoid when you swell and hurt. I am glad you are aware that most medications only mask the problem, and do not help to cure it.
I admire your desire to bring alternative medicine into the picture, as it is always advisable to seek other options. I know of many people who either never had MS because they got rid of the symptoms by adjusting their diets, or if they indeed had it, they reversed it by nutritionally controlling it, and certainly kept it from getting worse.
I would suggest detoxing and see what’s going on inside of your body.
Let me suggest:
1) Have a hair analysis done to learn what toxins may be at the root of this issue;
2) Follow the Detox program, and study my Detox eBook, which should be helpful as a longterm reference; (I give my eBook away for free.)
3) Test your pH – I assume that you are acidic, which doesn’t help matters (also in the eBook). Then, you can focus on the specific foods that will help balance your body pH.
This new lifestyle will be an education and healing journey for you, but a journey that will benefit you for the rest of your life.
I also suggest a body enzyme called Wobenzyme-N. It has great results decreasing swelling and pain. I have wonderful case histories supporting how this supplement helps.
Wishing you well, and let us know how you are doing.
How Do I Test For Aspartame Poisoning?
Q: Where can I get a hair test done? How much does it cost? This illness I am dealing with has cost me a fortune already.
I sure would like to show the doctors the test results. I have mentioned it to them, and the only one that was interested was a medical doctor at a chiropractic office.
He is a chemist and he agreed that my illness was due to aspartame. Could you let me know where this test can be performed? I certainly will get your book.
Thank you for that information.
A: Thanks for writing. With time and some nutritional alternatives, you may be able to defeat this yourself. It’s worth a try as long as your health is not in danger.
I think a hair analysis would be helpful because the aspartame may have depleted some critical nutrients – through detoxing and replacing these supplements, you might fix this easily.
I have a sample hair analysis on my website for a person with aspartame poisoning. Simply enter your email address to access the samples. You’ll find it very interesting.
You don’t want to guess at what your level of toxins or nutrients may be, and the hair analysis shows exactly what’s happened inside your body. I charge $180.00 for the lab analysis and for my interpretation of the results; I will provide you nutritional recommendations in your report and where to buy them at a reasonable cost.
If you get a copy of SWEET POISON from your local library or off Amazon, I think you will get many answers when you read the book.
You will probably feel as if you are reading about yourself, and my story will help you understand why your health issues are happening to you. I had similar health symptoms that have since gone away.
Aspartame is a very real problem, even though the medical community plays it down.
And, make sure you’re not into any hidden aspartame, so read ALL of your labels.
Keep searching for answers – I found them. You can, too.
Let me know if I can do anything to help you in your quest for health.
All the best in health,
Janet Hull
If you want to learn more about “at home” health and wellness, Join my Private Inner Circle. I have written all about the sugar alcohols in my books on the diet sweeteners.
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.