Is there is a mix of chemical compounds, created in a laboratory, sitting in your refrigerator ready to be eaten?
You know that they are unnatural to eat, and that they were never meant to enter your body. Basically, these chemicals will either accumulate in your organs, which can cause serious health damage, pollute your bloodstream, which can cause serious health damage, or eventually mutate your cells, which can cause serious health damage.
We call this high cholesterol, bladder infections, and depression.
Then, you get on medications to counter these health reactions, which are filled with more chemicals, and some people take their meds with a diet cola.
Your Immune System
Anytime you put toxic chemicals into your body, your body’s immune system will attack them, and then harmful reactions occur – disease symptoms start to appear.
Actually, this is what your body’s immune system was created to do – attack foreign bodies. The solution to protect your health is to stop eating and drinking all chemicals.
Here’s a tip to selecting “safer” foods:
Most fresh foods that nature creates are nontoxic to your body, but typically, chemicals that human beings create and twist together in a laboratory beaker can be toxic to your body and not digested as safe, healthy, or natural. – Janet Starr Hull
This can result in serious health symptoms and chronic illness; especially if you eat or drink toxic chemicals every day, all day, and in large amounts.
Your Body Hasn’t Changed
Your body works like a miraculous machine created to operate today just as it did thousands of years ago. Your body has not “changed” WITH technology, and you certainly shouldn’t be eating technology!
Your body doesn’t “understand” manmade chemical compounds in the same way that it digests and assimilates natural nutrients (vitamins and minerals) from foods, and you typically cannot healthily process synthetic chemicals.
Forcing “foreign” materials into your body is like pouring corn syrup into your car’s gas tank: it wasn’t meant to process it, so the engine stalls and eventually stops working.
Today, too many people survive on one of the most unnatural diets known to mankind in America.
Cancer rates and cardiovascular disease in the United States are among the highest in the world, and our association with medical doctors and pharmaceuticals represent the third leading cause of death in the United States; attributed to unnecessary surgeries, medication errors in hospitals, infections in hospitals, and the negative effects of synthetic drugs and medications.
Over 70,000 chemicals have been used in commercial food production in the United States for decades. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified 65,000 of them as potentially hazardous to human health.
How many of these chemicals are lurking in your fridge?
Over 6,000 new chemical compounds are tested every week, and more than 14,000 chemicals found in manufactured compounds have been approved for our public food supply.
Over 700 chemicals are added to public drinking water, and more than 10,000 chemicals are used for the purposes of food processing and shelf life storage.
Now, we are facing unknown, long term health effects from Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).
Some of the most dangerous chemical compounds are found in the artificial sweeteners, and these are some of the most prolific that are cooling in the fridge.
No one is testing the interactions of these chemicals inside YOUR human body; not the corporations making them, not the government agencies regulating them, not the doctors or the hospitals, and not the people selling them.
So, who is managing our health and safety as we consume over 14,000 chemicals on a regular basis? Consumers have been left to figure this one out on their own.
If you want to learn more about healthy lifestyles, contact me at Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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