In 1991, I had a really big wake-up call.
I had been mis-diagnosed with Grave’s disease that was actually a near-death reaction to aspartame. I began researching what had made me deathly ill, and I uncovered much more than I expected.
What did I discover? Corruption. There were serious problems with deception amid the aspartame research studies.
I was shocked and disappointed that this shoddy science was allowed in our country. The corruption behind the diet sweetener industry, the billions of dollars that this industry generates, and the proven health-risks to the millions of people who use diet sweeteners would never have been possible if the truth had been publicized.
I am even more saddened that this is happening today with Hydrozychloroquine and the Coronavirus (COVID 19).
After I recovered, I discovered just how toxic aspartame actually was, I uncovered the flawed and funded research on aspartame safety held back from the public – research proving it was (and still is) harmful to your health.
After all the Rhesus lab monkeys died of Grand Mal seizures, the aspartame researchers were instructed to show only the favorable health results on lab rats – the only remaining animals Peta didn’t scream abuse.
The Independent research was ignored and replaced with corporate funded studies that manipulated the test results.
The shoddy, corporate research eliminated critical data. The lab tests were incomplete and missing all negative results.

Today, research can be anything you want it to be when the results are bought and paid for by those who own the patents and can profit from it. This is why research should be done by many different, unaffiliated institutions worldwide.
Corporations want one result. Countries look for different results. Lobbyists need their financial interests met.
If you need proof that this issue has been right in front of you for decades, just look at aspartame today – it has been proven over and over again by hundreds of researchers worldwide to be a dangerous health toxin, yet it is still on the market – sold to children, the elderly, and during pregnancy.
By 1991, 4 deaths had been recorded in FDA files as caused by aspartame, and after these numbers started increasing, the AMA instructed that no more deaths related to aspartame were to be recorded.
I am not surprised that this pattern is repeating today as new (and expedited) studies on the safety of Hydrozychloroquine used for the Coronavirus threaten special interests and profits for future mandated vaccines.
The recent VA study on Hydrozychloroquine proves such shoddy science.
It’s heartbreaking to realize that little has changed since aspartame’s approval. It’s tragic to witness greed dominating human life in America.
Debunking The Studies

The VA study touting the dangers of Hydrozychloroquine has been widely publicized by mainstream media today, but when you take the time to read the study, you will see for yourself how flawed this research is.
Actually it wasn’t even real research, and many good researchers, such as some at Stanford University, quickly found flaws in the VA’s claims.
Mainstream’s media 4:00 AM talking points had already splashed the inaccurate headlines throughout the USA, nonetheless, so the damage was done to those who do not do their own research.
Please turn off mainstream news, especially if you are left feeling negative, angry, and hopeless.
The Flawed Findings

- Hydrozychloroquine was administered to patients who were very close to their death when it should have been administered sooner, at the earliest sign of health symptoms;
- Hydrozychloroquine works better with zinc, which was not administered to any of the patients that died;
- Azithromycin is a key component used to stimulate healing when combined with Hydrozychloroquine and zinc sulfate, but no documentation was provided whether the antibiotic was administered or not, if at all, at what dose, how often, or to whom, if to any of these patients.
In essence – these people were allowed to die in order to create a narrative that Hydrozychloroquine does not work. Read that sentence again – in order to debunk the effectiveness of Hydrozychloroquine on Coronavirus patients, these doctors and nurses allowed people to die – in order to create a narrative.
Read the study, and you’ll see for yourself. (Note that this link is now a “reprint” of the study, and the results have not yet been peer-reviewed. At this point, the study should be thrown out.)
Then, read the studies that combine Hydrozychloroquine, zinc, and Azithromycin.
They are working.
Hydrozychloroquine is saving lives, but this VA study appears to have sacrificed lives.
On a positive note, this VA study did prove that:
- Hydrozychloroquine works on patients when administered early into the disease;
- Hydrozychloroquine does not work when administered at the time of death;
- Hydrozychloroquine used for Coronavirus does not work when administered alone;
- Hydrozychloroquine is affective when combined with Azithromycin and zinc sulfate.
A Better Future
For decades I have been watching people drink diet colas and children with migraines chewing sugar-free gum, Now, you are witnessing people needlessly dying from shoddy, politicized science. It’s the politics of greed at your expense.

Stand up for Hydrozychloroquine and save someone’s life.
It just might be your own.
If you want to learn more about healthy living and disease prevention, contact me at janethull.com. Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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