This pandemic is undoubtedly the biggest public health crisis of our time.”
Harvey Risch

Imagine the day when this Coronavirus is over. Visualize going outside without a mask.
Fresh air. Sunshine. Smiles and laughter.
Dr. Harvey Risch thinks this is possible NOW.
Professor Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D., is a researcher at the Yale School of Public Health with a specialty in cancer etiology, prevention and early diagnosis.
He recently studied the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine to treat people infected with COVID-19, and he concluded that the approach should be “widely available” in the fight against this current pandemic.
The results of his research are published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
This brave and highly ethical doctor is stepping outside of the political box to stand up to the FDA to publicize the truth about the safety of HCQ (hydroxychloroquine).
He has lots of proof that declaring HCQ as a dangerous drug is bogus.
He states that using HCQ is less harmful than taking many over-the-counter drugs.
You Decide

HCQ should be monitored, according to Dr. Risch, not because HCQ is dangerous, but because many people do not know how to diagnose and take prescribed medications all on their own.
Safely taking prescribed medication requires a partnership between the patient and the doctor.
Why? You are the only one who knows how a drug is working for you, but your doctor should be the one to guide you through reactions safely.
According to Dr. Risch, “There is no partnership concerning HCQ today, however.”
Reflecting on my own experience with the politics of the FDA concerning aspartame approval – there hasn’t been a partnership for many decades.
According to more doctors than you can imagine, there are many case histories of people who have died of Coronavirus that requested HCQ yet were denied the medication by hospitals based on the FDA controversy.
Not only is this cruel, but it is scientific malpractice.
Remember The Right To Try Law was recently passed, so if you request HCQ early enough, your doc has to give it to you. If they are unwilling, let them know that you will report them and will find a good lawyer, and then search for another doc that is more informed.
This virus is real, but solutions are available. HCQ has been FDA approved for over 50 years, and it costs around $10.00 a bottle.

Powerful Data
Go to and see for yourself how HCQ works when it is used early on at the first signs of this virus. The proof is out there – see for yourself.
You’ll be surprised how many people have healed when using HCQ. The results, sadly, are not as successful when HCQ is administered at the final stages of the disease.
When used early, mortality is decreased by at least 50%.
So who’s responsible for these deaths?
The doctors?
The hospitals?
The FDA?
Instead of celebrating this wonderful discovery, fear-mongering, politics, and bad journalism have taken over this pandemic. When a deadly virus is a threat, why would anyone – anyone – reject a possible cure for you or your family?
I’m not saying this virus is not real, but let’s focus on the solutions.
Solution Versus Motivation

We have the solution. So, riddle me this – what’s the motivation to keep it away from you and your family?
I learned through my aspartame research that the FDA is corruptible. Hence, many of the deaths from Coronavirus could have been avoided. Deaths from aspartame poisoning, too.
ALL should have been avoided.
The death rate CAN be lowered by over 50% right now.
Do your research, please. Regain confidence in your health options. Listen to the doctors who know HCQ works when used early. These doctors are out there and they are standing up for their patients.
They are standing up for YOU.
Don’t be afraid to question the damage being done by the politics of greed. Look into your legal rights to push back against corruption. It’s the only way to make changes, sadly.
I know how political the FDA and the AMA can be – just look at aspartame.
It’s still on the market.
This virus is tragic because there is proven help available.
My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones victimized by this duplicity.
There’s no excuse for this lack of information. None.
If you want to learn more about disease prevention, contact me at Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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