Oh my. Where do I begin?
This morning my niece sent me this press release from Krispy Kreme® Donuts. They are offering you a free donut every day for a year if you agree to get THE vaccine.
If you show your COVID vaccination card, they’ll hand over an original glazed donut – every day.
For a year.
I smell a rat – a very unhealthy rat at that. So…. now we have to bribe people to get this vaccine? And who’s paying for this?
THIS is NOT a game, peeps.
I’ll probably have to calm down a bit before I publish this article, but for now, I’m going to vent ……
Never Take Candy From A Stranger
Do you remember when your parents warned you when you were a kid to never take candy from a stranger?
Why did they warn you of this seductive trap?
Sadly, people who choose to cause children harm, lure them with candy and treats. Think about it – if your dogs get out of the fence, how do you get them back in?
With a treat.
So now we have Krispy Kreme Donuts offering you a free donut every day if you’ll just get your Beer Bug shot.
Now THAT’S bribery in my personal opinion. Plus, we all know that donuts are unhealthy for you.
So, now they are pushing unhealthy donuts on you to submit to a questionable RNA transmission vaccine. Double wham.
Fear Not
All I can say without going on another rant is to stop being afraid of everything being thrown at you today and re-educate yourself with wisdom from the past. Go to the library and read old history books, old nutrition books, books on international geography to learn about our differences … remember what it was like, globally, before this mass manipulation targeted our individuality.
Please wake up to the fact that something has gone very wrong here; restore your faith in those encouraging you to question the mainstream. Consider the fact that we have been manipulated into protecting the wrong side of these issues.
And I always reflect back to the diet, sugar-free fad. How’s that been working for ya’?
Dig For The Truth
Marketing deception has, indeed, ramped up because those of wealth and influence have gotten by with it for so long.
Re-educate yourself.
Mainstream everything is suppressing alternative opinions that offer the “other side” of today’s questionable controlling issues.
They fought Sweet Poison. They will continue to silence what’s behind the Beer Bug.
Maybe one day we’ll learn the truth about vaccines – modern vaccines, that is. I believe that vaccines in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s were good ones. What changed?
So, the moral of this rant is NO DONUTS IN EXCHANGE FOR THE JAB. Both might appear tasty and good, but neither really are in the long run.
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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