Dear Dr. Hull,
I am writing you to share an experience that I’ve never had before.
Upon your advice, when we last spoke, I located a medical doctor in my state who wrote me a prescription for Ivermectin to have on hand just in the case I come down with COVID.
Thank you for this advice.
I have not had COVID, as far as I know, and my wife has not had it either, but she decided to get the vaccines. Even though EVERYONE is pressuring me to get them, too, I refuse to buckle under the pressure.
I was raised in Holland, and my family always was holistic because we didn’t have access to all the pharmaceuticals that you have available in America.
My grandmother taught us how to stay healthy naturally and what to do if we were getting sick.
You don’t do this in America.
I am writing to tell you what happened to me when I went to CVS to get the prescriptions for Ivermectin filled.
The pharmacist refused to fill the prescriptions. He refused to help me.
I called the doctor in panic, and his office told me to seek out the smaller pharmacies. I found several small pharmacies in the area, and the one I chose did fill the prescriptions and told me they wouldn’t have an issue continuing to honor my prescriptions for me.
Holy Cow. CVS refused to fill the prescriptions for Ivermectin.
What is going on in this country? This is so sad.
Anyway, upon your advice, I will start my wife on the Ivermectin because she has been vaccinated, but should I take mine now or wait until I think I might be getting sick?
From Dr. Hull

Wow. I knew this was happening, but you have definitely confirmed it. I am as disappointed and shocked as you are, and there is no excuse – NO excuse – for this. Big Pharma pulls the strings with the bigger, corporate pharmacies, so it is no surprise.
Corruption is ruling the narrative concerning COVID – it’s a money-maker for them.
Save your Ivermectin just in case you do need it, but I assume your immune system is very good and that you have the antibodies if you have already been exposed. But, your wife should start taking hers now to unhook any spike proteins attached to her cells.
This is important.
The spike protein hooks onto the cell wall, and it punctures the cell, penetrating into the cell where your DNA and RNA are protected – or supposed to be protected. Once inside your cells, the spike protein damages the cell, replicates itself, and damages your DNA/RNA.
The Ivermectin will unhook the spike, and then your immune system should flush it away.
It is wise for you to detox at this time because this will support your immune system and take unnecessary stress off of your body. Take the list of vitamins that I gave you after your hair analysis, keep me posted on how your detox is going, and get plenty of vitamin D from sunshine and an extra supplement every day.
Keep in touch and stay well.
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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