Pay attention to probiotics because they can protect you from the abundance of chemicals saturating our medications, foods and drinks.
It is VERY important to listen to your gut.
The human gut has always maintained several hundred microbe species, but the lacking quality of manufactured foods today is wrecking that natural balance.
The importance of good bacteria in the intestines is a fairly new science, but the mechanics of keeping an intestinal balance is as ancient as the first carnivores.
It wasn’t until the 1960s that medical researchers first realized the health benefits of balancing your gut, and today, many doctors still don’t give intestinal bacteria much credence.
That’s unfortunate because the rise in toxic food chemicals and fake foods is killing our intestines.
If you keep the healthy bacteria strong in your intestines, you can better support your health and resist the toxic effects of food chemicals, toxic vaccines, and GMOs.
Good Bacteria
Probiotics are live bacteria that contribute to your intestinal microbial balance by decreasing the intestinal pH that suppresses the growth of proteolytic bacteria. Lactic acid and bifidobacteria are the most common types of microbes used as probiotics, but some yeasts and bacilli can also be used.
Probiotics are naturally consumed as part of fermented foods or specially added active live cultures, such as in yogurt, soy yogurt, or as dietary supplements.
Toxic Foods
I have written many articles about the lack of proper fermentation in modern, processed foods causing IBS and intestinal problems. GMOs are the worst at interrupting the body’s natural bacteria balance in the intestines. Processed foods, irradiated foods, fake foods, and diet sugars are prolific in our American diet, and IBS and intestinal problems are now epidemic in the United States as a result.
Simply connect the dots. Stop eating these types of foods, and make sure to supplement with healthy probiotics.
Good Probiotics
Research shows that probiotics can eliminate various forms of gastroenteritis. They can reduce both the duration of illness and the frequency of your stools. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) results from an imbalance in the colonic microbiota caused by the overuse of antibiotics, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus has been shown to help in these cases.
Supplementing with certain, specific active strains of healthy probiotics may help lactose-intolerant individuals tolerate more lactose than they would otherwise tolerate.
Animal studies have shown that the efficacy of some strains of probiotics are able to lower serum cholesterol levels by breaking down bile in the gut, inhibiting its reabsorption, which enters the blood as unhealthy cholesterol.
One of the best benefits of probiotics is the capacity to synthesize vitamins. Live probiotic cultures are found in fermented dairy products and probiotic fortified foods.
With the quality of foods rapidly on the decline, and as GMOs increase, it is critical to keep your gut healthy. Supplement your diet with foods and nutritional supplements high in probiotics, and you’ll feel the healthy benefits.
If you want to learn more about healthy living, contact me at Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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