I love to work with people who take the time to work hard on detoxing to improve their health. When I I do a hair analysis or speak with someone on the phone to share my recommendations, I have done all that I can do – it’s now up to YOU to follow through and do the work!
Health programs are never a one-stop-shop – everyone is different, so absorb the good advice and apply the successful programs that you find, and weave them into your personal lifestyle.
The key to making positive changes is maintaining consistency – when your body has the proper tools to remove toxins and reset healthy nutrients, it will depend upon YOU to deliver those tools that it cannot create on its own.
So, once you find a program that works, maintain it and adopt it as part of your lifestyle.
Here are some very good and very practical detox questions that will enlighten you:
Q: Dear Dr Hull:
The lab report came through my email perfectly. That lab report shows high levels of aluminum, nickel, silver, and tin. In your opinion, what is the best chelation agent to attack these toxic metals?
I have on the shelf, calcium disodium EDTA and DMSA, both in capsule forms. I have been reading about disodium EDTA, which seems very powerful, but has a tendency to remove calcium from the bones, thus requiring more calcium replenishment during the chelation process.
You also mentioned French Green Clay, and that is also good to use for body detoxification.
Looking forward to your reply. I now have my marching orders. And thank you again for your insightful hair analysis.
A: From Dr. Hull:
This is a great observation about restoring your calcium – this is why I stress how important it is to restore all of your nutrients at the time you remove toxins.
I recommend this Ca/Mg supplement from NOW with a 1:1 ratio of Ca/Mg – it’s in powdered form, which assimilates really well.
Here is an important point about your high calcium level on your hair analysis – your bones have NOT absorbed the calcium that you have been taking, so it is deposited outside of the bone and traveled into your hair for excretion.
Removing this excess and unabsorbed calcium is important because it will stay inside your body, harden, and cause bone and joint pain if not removed.
So, continue to detox to remove these deposits, and be conservative as you replace new calcium to secure that it can get into your bone without toxins blocking it or inefficient digestion unable to break it down.
Make sure to match calcium with the same ratio of magnesium. This is old-school knowledge that works – in nature, Ca/Mg is found in a 1:1 ratio for natural absorption.
You are correct that the French Green clay is all-natural and it does removes heavy metals. Mix 1 teaspoon of clay in 8 oz of water at night and drink the milky water first thing in the morning – it adds oxygen to your blood, too, so you’ll feel more energy.
Q: One Last Point
A: Urine Test
If these toxins are in the blood, yes, they are circulating – if they are not circulating, then they are old deposits and have been stuffed away in fat cells, in your organs, or in your hair, skin and nails.
As you remove these toxins, and it appears the plaque detox you have been doing is working, then the toxins will circulate as they excrete.
Continue using the calcium disodium EDTA and DMSA, the serrapetase, and add the French Green clay.
My pleasure, and continue to send questions as you develop your program, but to date, what you have been doing is working.
Janet Hull
If you want to learn more about healthy living, contact me at janethull.com. Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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