The power behind GMOs is pretty darn scary, but amid all the current issues of concern these days, GMOs have been forgotten. Just what we need – one more thing to be concerned about …
If you don’t want to get involved in the GMO-thing, just acknowledge that the future of our foods could be in the hands of Monsanto and the big corporations if we do not fully understand what’s really going on behind the scenes.
Here’s my point: the biggest threat from GMOs is the ultimate control of ALL of our food and ALL of the farms worldwide.
THIS is what’s behind GMOs, and this is something none of us should forget about.
From Labels To Lawsuits
The labeling of GMO foods is far from being resolved. Much bigger than GMO labeling is Monsanto’s claim of ownership of most of today’s crops, both on corporate farms and on non-GMO farms where their patented seeds BLOW IN THE WIND to implant someone else’s fields.
This problem has NOT gotten as much attention as the labeling concerns, but it must come to the forefront of everyone’s awareness.
Our food and the right to grow non-GMO foods is, and should be, our GREATEST concern. Our right to grow and sell non-GMO has now become a legal issue, and this will keep ownership issues in courtrooms for years to come.
Monsanto’s end game is to own the rights to all seeds for edible plants. If we don’t focus on this one problem, they will succeed.
While we battle out the labels, Monsanto is busy suing local farmers for patent infringement, claiming rights to their crop yields.
Monsanto is already claiming that the crops in other countries are ultimately theirs because their patented seeds are now planted in foreign agricultural systems.
This is the bottom-line and ultimate goal of Monsanto – to own the world’s food supply.
Win Some, Lose Some
In Maine, farmers won a major victory in the battle against Monsanto, but many farmers have lost this fight. It comes down to how careful the farmer is and how tied to Monsanto the courts may be.
American farmers are gaining some critical legal protection pushing back against corporate GMOs, but watch out if you are a farmer who contracted to buy GMO seeds and herbicides – you’ll be the property of Monsanto before your contract is up.
They’ll claim ownership for every new sprig that pops up in the future on your land.
Today, food shortages are coming to a local grocer near you, and THIS is where your focus needs to be. Don’t let the fox into the henhouse while we’re distracted from Monsanto’s ultimate goal – Monsanto’s end game is to own the rights to all seeds for edible plants and herbal medicines.
Then they can control the food supply.
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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