Allergy season is back. Actually, it seems that allergy season is happening more than just seasonally. Allergies are an issue more today than in the past.
Something other than spring blooms floating through the air seems to be triggering more sneezes and stuffy noses.
I’ve never suffered with allergies, but since I moved to South Texas, I’ve got allergies now. Something new and different has stirred them up.
Here are some natural ways to prevent your allergies from getting worse.
Toxins In Your Nose
If you keep your nasal cavity flushed with saline, you can keep airborne toxins from sneaking farther up your sinuses – this way, you can better avoid allergies from turning into a head cold, chronic dry eye, and a stuffy nose. If toxins can’t impact your nose, then they can’t go deeper inside of your body.
That’s the goal, anyway.
A Dunk In The Ocean

A dunk in the ocean is always the best way to keep your sinuses clean, but if you are landlocked or live in a big city, take a healthy dunk in the ocean from your bathroom sink.
Sea animals and people living along the ocean shores typically don’t have allergy problems like people living in highly populated urban areas.
Why? Because the salt in the sea air and in the ocean water helps cleanse allergens from your sinuses, and typically, there is less pollution in sea air.
I was born and raised by the Atlantic Ocean in Jacksonville, Florida. We’d go to the beach every Sunday when I was a little kid, and I had a regular weekly “nasal cleanse” every time a wave smacked me in the face.
During the winter months when the water was too cold to go to the beach, my mother would make my sister and me snuff warm salt water up our noses if we had a glimmer of a head cold starting.
Yes, I dreaded it, but I didn’t suffer with allergies.
I still snuff sea salt today in a cup of warm water whenever I feel a head cold coming or if I have sinus irritation. I snuff warm salt water up my nose, splash it in my eyes, and swish it around my mouth.

No More Dry Eye
The saline flush is safe for your eyes, and is no different from getting salt water in your eyes when swimming in the ocean. Your eyes are already saturated in salt water, so this is a very natural dry-eye solution.
Just taste your tears.
This eye wash works well enough to avoid using manufactured, and expensive, eye drops.
Saline Flush Recipe
Do this as often as needed to remove toxins, allergens, and other microbes from your sinuses and in your eyes.
1-cup filtered or distilled water
1/2-tsp sea salt
- Mix approx 1/2 tsp sea salt in one cup warm water;
- Dissolve;
- Pour saline solution into the palm for your hand and sniff up one nostril at a time;
- Repeat as often as necessary to drain your nasal passages;
- Blow your nose as needed;
- Cup the palm for your hand and bathe one eye at a time with the warm salt water.
I always recommend detoxing when any foreign object is in your body. An allergen is any substance that causes an allergic response, like pollen, mold, and some foods.
Go to janethull.com and download my 10-Steps To Detoxification eBook for free. At the first sign of allergies or catching a cold or the flu, begin detoxing and hopefully you can run it off.

So, as more pollutants invade your world, simply keep your sinuses clean using a mild saline nasal flush.
Or, go take a dunk in the ocean.
If you want to learn more about health and disease prevention, contact me at janethull.com. Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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