Hi Janet. I am Aimee from Wisconsin. I am so glad I found you because if anyone can understand what I’m going through – it’s you.
I was diagnosed with Grave’s disease in January, and I have been struggling with it up until 2 weeks ago when I stumbled across your book on line, Sweet Poison.
I was a heavy diet coke drinker up until that point. I had quit for 8 days when I had my blood tested, which was not enough time to show any difference.
I made the mistake of asking my doctor if my Grave’s could be caused by aspartame, and he refused to believe it and got loud and mad. He said Grave’s was around before aspartame.
After reading your book and learning that aspartame caused your diagnosis of Grave’s disease, I figured my doctor didn’t know what he was talking about.
How long did it take to get aspartame out of your system? I want to do what you did – I refused my doctor’s recommendations, and will wait to decide what to do after I have detoxed from all aspartame from 30 years of diet sweetener use.
Rising From The Grave’s

Hi Aimee. Thank you for being so brave and for standing up to your doctor.
Yes, Grave’s disease existed before 1982 when aspartame first came on the market, but it was very rare. Today, Grave’s is being diagnosed in men, younger women, and even in pets. It has definitely increased from diet sweetener use.
Grave’s can be caused by toxins saturating the thyroid gland, but after aspartame was introduced into the market, cases of Grave’s increased about 280%. And again, men and house pets (who eat table scraps) are now being diagnosed with Grave’s disease.
In the past, Grave’s was only found in older women.
As you read in my book Sweet Poison, it took me 6-weeks to cure my Grave’s disease. I was completely healed after 3 months. My doctor didn’t believe it because no one had cured Grave’s disease. He said that it would come back, but it’s been over 30 years – I don’t think it’s going to come back.
How did I cure myself? I stopped ALL aspartame and the other artificial sweeteners, I detoxed, and I had a hair analysis done to fine tune my recovery. I started taking the supplements that were depleted on my hair analysis.
You can do this! Keep doing your research, and keep the faith! Reread Sweet Poison when you need encouragement. And, sadly, don’t let your doctor get you down. Show him that even doctors can be wrong.
He should be happy for your success. I certainly am!
If you want to learn more about healthy living and disease prevention, contact me at janethull.com. Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
I look forward to supporting you on your journey to alternative health and wellness.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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