I assume most of you watched RFK, Jr’s speech in August 2024. If you didn’t watch it, please go back and witness history in the making. If you did watch it, please take everything he said to heart. It’s true. It’s real.
He is right about everything he said, but he left out one important cause of obesity and autism – aspartame and the diet sweeteners. We need to get the word out about aspartame’s health dangers. It supports his proof that we have been poisoned for 50 years or more.
After I almost died from aspartame poisoning in 1991, I have tried for decades to get the word out about the dangers of the diet sweeteners for the purpose of helping people. Ask any aspartame researcher who’s been silenced when they’ve tried to expose the truth. Unfortunately, the harmful health effects caused by aspartame are still slowly being released 50 years after they were first known within the FDA and Big Pharma.
I wrote my first book exposing aspartame’s dangers, Sweet Poison, in 1997, and I am currently querying my second book exposing the entire corrupt sweetener industry, The Sweetener Wars.
So, here’s another one for RFK … aspartame is a sweet poison that causes many health issues in children – including autism and obesity – and the government knew about this decades ago.
There is no doubt that we are in an information war and that we’ve been in this war for decades – we just didn’t know it because we trusted our leaders to be honest and ethical. Today, propaganda is right in front of us, and we are STILL being lied to. If you know that aspartame causes autism, would you use it during pregnancy or give it to your kids or grandkids. If you’re an elementary school teacher, now you know why your students are bouncing off the walls and never completing an assignment.
Many of us first realized that we’re being lied to during COVID, but I’m here to tell you that the manipulation behind COVID happened with aspartame too, starting in the 1960s.
RFK, Jr stated that today in 2024, 66% of Americans are chronically ill. Today 77% of America is obese. 133 million Americans – nearly half the population – suffer from at least one chronic illness, such as hypertension, heart disease and arthritis. That figure is 15 million higher than just a decade ago.
Don’t leave out that the harmful effects of aspartame have caused much of this health crisis!
The Patterns Are Right In Front Of You
Starting in the 1960s, the dangers of aspartame found in NutraSweet/Equal® were kept from you and your doctors.
Every time a new research study was published showing that aspartame caused cancer, MS, memory loss, blindness, fetal deformities, autism, and degenerative diseases, the fact-checkers (called government watchdogs back in the day) countered the independent research by trotting out the corporate research discrediting any scientific studies showing that aspartame was harmful to your health.
So, the poisoning of the population today isn’t anything new – the gaslighting has been going on for decades. The corporate propaganda and government control happened with aspartame and saccharin in the 1960s. For decades, Big Pharma has gotten by with selling us poison in all forms, and they are still getting away with it today.
This endless “sweetener war” will end. At least people are becoming more aware of it now, and it will change quicker when you stop buying these diet products. RFK stated that he will work in the Trump Administration to reverse this trend.
I can’t wait!
Long Long Ago

Decades ago, Dr. Woody Monte discovered that aspartame causes autism. He uncovered an FDA memo dated September 11, 1978 describing birth defects and serious developmental brain damage in the offspring of laboratory rabbits whose mothers were fed aspartame during pregnancy.
Thank about this – the FDA knew about the health dangers of aspartame in 1978!
This memo and the research it describes in detail were kept hidden for over 30 years from 1978 until January 2011 when the memo was finally released as the result of a Freedom of Information request.
Dr. Monty published this memo in his amazing book, While Science Sleeps. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) memo dated September 11, 1978 was written by Dr. Thomas Collins of the Animal Toxicology Branch to the Chief of the Food Additive Evaluation Branch.
Then, it was hidden from public view.
Collins documented the disturbing discovery of “significant” multiple neural tube (and other) birth defects in rabbit pups whose mothers were fed aspartame during the course of several different toxicity studies. Both G.D. Searle and Hazelton Laboratories performed the studies between 1974 and 1975.
Dr. Collins evaluated the studies and his conclusions were astonishing: “In both of the rabbit studies, aspartame appeared to cause birth defects.“
Oh but there is more, and both Dr. Monte and I have the studies in our books for you to see for yourself; especially if you are pregnant and a mother.

Aspartame And Autism
During his aspartame research at Arizona State University, Dr. Monte performed one of the first studies proving that aspartame and methanol caused neural tube birth defects. Sadly for his lab rats, he discovered that, indeed, the methanol in aspartame caused neural tube birth defects in the rat pups.
As early as 2009, The Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction of the U.S. National Institutes of Health published this 500 page report*:
Humans are much more sensitive to methanol toxicity than laboratory animals …. The inhalation of methanol by pregnant rodents throughout the period of embryogenesis induces a wide range of concentration-dependent teratogenicity and embryolethal effects.
Treatment-related malformations, primarily extra or rudimentary cervical ribs and urinary or cardiovascular defects, were found in fetuses of rats … Increased incidences of exencephaly and cleft palate (neural tube birth defects) were found in the offspring of … mice … There was increased embryo/fetal death … and an increasing incidence of resorptions. Reduced fetal weight was observed … fetal malformations … included neural and ocular defects, cleft palate, hydrocephalus and limb anomalies.
*U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Toxicoilogical Review of Methanol EPA/6.35/R-09/013. Draft ed. http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/recordisplay.cfm?deid=56521#Download: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 2010
Monty drew the logical conclusion that the rise in autism matched the market debut of aspartame in diet colas. The research proved him correct. I hope this information finds its way to RFK, Jr.
Dr. Helen Ratajczak, US Department of Education, clearly showed in her studies that the beginning of the autism epidemic coincided with the approval of aspartame in carbonated beverages.
This was the time when cola machines with diet drinks were introduced into every public school, library, and mall in the USA.
This is HUGE!
The number of reported cases of autism increased dramatically in the 1990s and 2000s,
In the 1950s, it was estimated that 1 in 25,000 children in the USA were diagnosed with autism. In 2000, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 1 in 150 children were diagnosed with autism in the USA. In 2018 the number increased to 230 out of 10,000 children were diagnosed with autism. By 2020, 1 in 36 children were diagnosed with autism in the USA.
What Kennedy and researchers like Woody Monte and me want to expose is the lie that the CDC states to this day that the exact reasons are not yet clear. Balderdash. They know!
Methanol And Autism

According to Monte’s research, the methanol in aspartame is the main culprit fueling the rise in autism.
Methanol is 10% of aspartame’s three ingredients, and methanol is also known as formaldehyde, a methyl molecule formed by the oxidation of methanol. In a nutshell, the methanol in aspartame releases from its bond with the other 2 ingredients phenylalanine and aspartic acid at 86 degrees F, and it liberates into a free-form of methanol inside of your body, and eventually oxides into formaldehyde.
The only way to get formaldehyde into the nucleus of your cells is by using methyl alcohol. When a pregnant woman takes a sip of a diet cola and the aspartame reaches her stomach, it releases methanol into her bloodstream.
The methanol can then quickly pass through her placenta and into the blood and brain of the developing fetus. All that is needed to cause fetal deformation is for the methanol to make contact with ADH enzymes in the child’s brain.
Once in the brain, the methanol is converted into formaldehyde, and this can attach to the child’s DNA. If methylation takes place, genes that were never meant to be touched can be damaged – they are turned off.
Ongoing research shows a link between methylation and autism. This growing body of research is proving that methylation does influence the development of autism.
Interestingly, I have recently had many clients who are now being diagnosed with MTHFR disease syndrome. MTHFR is a gene mutation rooted to the relationship between methylation and autism. I call this the Mother F**cker Disease, and I find this uptick very interesting because most diagnosed, if not all, are aspartame users.
Here’s Another One
August 29, 2023, ResearchGate published the study Daily Early-Life Exposures to Diet Soda and Aspartame Are Associated with Autism in Males: A Case-Control Study.
This aspartame autism release follows the WHO release in July 2023 that aspartame causes cancer, something researchers also first discovered in the 1970s. These studies, among many others, have been suppressed and kept from the consumer for over 5 decades.
As I wrote in my article about aspartame and cancer, I continue to question why this data is being released now after 50 years. I smell a rat because these people don’t do anything with the public’s good in mind.
We have had answers to autism for decades – but sadly, they have been kept from us. Do your own research and read the good books like Dr. Monte’s book and my book, Sweet Poison, to confirm what we’ve been saying for decades – that the FDA, the AMA, and the pharmaceutical companies knew decades ago about autism’s relationship to aspartame.
If your child has autism or if you have recently been diagnosed with the Mother F**cker Disease, definitely avoid ALL aspartame!
RFK is right! So is Dr. Monty. So am I. Spread the word. Let’s get this important information to RFK and to everyone that we can.
If you want to learn more about healthy living and disease prevention, contact me at janethull.com. Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
I look forward to supporting you on your journey to alternative health and wellness.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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