I lost a dear friend, Woody Monte, a few months ago after we had done a historic interview on our aspartame research. I hope you’ll go back and watch the youtube video we did together in 2023 where we casually talked about what people never hear …. aspartame is a very dangerous diet sweetener.
Woody told so many emotional stories – I’m not the best interviewer, but Woody and I had a historic interview – just two old friends having a great chat.
He told the story of a young mother who came to his office at Arizona State University in the 1980s carrying an empty 2-liter bottle of diet cola and a picture of her newborn baby, Joy.
Joy died shortly after she was born – her brain had not developed because her mother drank 4-liters of diet cola every day during pregnancy. What’s so sad about this story is that GD Searle Pharmaceuticals, the creator of aspartame, Monsanto, the marketer of aspartame, and the FDA all knew that aspartame caused fetal deformation – they kept it secret.
Her doctor had been told that aspartame was harmless, and he told her it was fine for her to drink during pregnancy.
Woody’s Work

One of the first aspartame researchers proving a long time ago that aspartame caused MS, auto-immune diseases, fetal deformities and even death, Dr. Monte proved in his research that aspartame can cause autism.
He uncovered an FDA memo dated September 11, 1978 describing birth defects and serious developmental brain damage in the offspring of laboratory rabbits whose mothers were fed aspartame during pregnancy.
This memo and the research it describes were kept hidden for over 30 years from 1978 until January 2011 when the memo was finally released as the result of a Freedom of Information request.
After it was finally released, Woody published this memo in his book While Science Sleeps. The US Food and Drug Administration memo dated September 11, 1978 was written by Dr. Thomas Collins of the Animal Toxicology Branch to the Chief of the Food Additive Evaluation Branch.
Then, it was buried from public view. Woody brought it back to life to help others.
Collins had documented the disturbing discovery of “significant” multiple neural tube birth defects in rabbit pups whose mothers were fed aspartame during the course of several different toxicity studies. Both G.D. Searle and Hazelton Laboratories performed the studies between 1974 and 1975.
Aspartame Is A Teratogen
In July 1975, GD Searle Laboratories conducted an aspartame research study on the teretogenic effects in rabbits. The results: aspartame caused birth defects at the dose level of 2 g/kg. Cleft palate appeared to be significantly increased, and there was a significant increase in the number of rabbits with an extra pair of ribs.
At this time, they discovered that the brains in the lab animals were not completely formed.
Teratogens are substances that cause congenital disorders in a developing embryo or fetus. A teratogen is anything a person is exposed to or ingests during pregnancy that’s known to cause fetal abnormalities. Drugs, medicine, chemicals, certain infections and toxic substances are examples of teratogens.

Aspartame was proven in 1975 to be a teratogen. Baby Joy didn’t develop a brain.
Please go to youtube and listen to this story …. Woody has provided the following links to his research articles showing aspartame causes cancer and autism available for free on ResearchGate. Just scroll down the page for the articles in his book While Science Sleeps.
Aspartame and Cancer
Aspartame and Autism
If we can truly get a MAHA movement going in the USA after November 2024, there’ll be more healing coming. For now, ditch the diet sweeteners.

RIP Woody – we’ll keep your work going!
If you want to learn more about healthy living and disease prevention, contact me at janethull.com. Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
I look forward to supporting you on your journey to alternative health and wellness.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
You have our permission to reprint this article if you attribute us with a live back-link to this article and the youtube links. https://janethull.com/