This website, its contents, and programs are for educational purposes only and not intended to be considered legal, medical, or any other professional service. The information provided is not a replacement for professional advice or care. If you require nutritional, medical, or other expert services, please seek appropriate professional care. The author, contributors, publisher and their employees are not liable or held accountable for any damages arising from or in association with the application of any information contained in this website.
No copyrighted material on any of Dr. Janet Hull’s websites, or any material published in Dr. Janet Starr Hull’s books, whether in whole or part, may be posted or placed onto another website, and may not be posted into any newsgroup, onto any message boards, or emailed on the Internet without the expressed written permission of Dr. Janet Hull or her agents.
This website is based on Dr. Hull’s personal experiences and research, and reflects Dr. Hull’s perceptions of the past, present and future. All information presented on this website is the result of Dr. Hull’s personal research and collaboration with professional, academic, and government colleagues, internationally. The personalities, events, actions, and conversations portrayed within her books have been reconstructed from Dr. Hull’s memory, various legal records, letters, personal papers, and press accounts. Some names and events have been altered to protect the privacy of individuals. Events involving the characters happened as described; only minor details have been altered.