When I was in my mid-thirties, I thought my life was perfect.
Typical, right?
I was married with three young sons. I was teaching aerobics to stay in shape, was a professor at The University of North Texas, and lived in a wonderful suburban neighborhood.
I had always been healthy but, for some mysterious reason, my health suddenly deteriorated out of the blue.
I ended up in the hospital diagnosed with an incurable thyroid disease known as Grave’s Disease. My doctors told me that no ones knows the medical cause or cure.
Because of my stellar health history and my background in toxicology, I questioned why I was suddenly diagnosed with a disease that left me no options other than radiation and a life dependent on medications to stay alive.
I wanted some answers, but no one could provide any; so, I set out to find them on my own.
And guess what?
I succeeded.
And, I cured myself of this “incurable disease.”
I have continued to live a very healthy and medicine-free life. My work informing others about the dangers of aspartame has been based on my personal experience with the diet sweeteners, and I have exposed the deception that I discovered lurking behind aspartame’s popularity in my book Sweet Poison.
My work helping others is based on everything I discovered during my illness.
Welcome to my world of health and healing.