I'm not a cola drinker, but for those of you who still enjoy a canned cola, there are some better diet products coming on the market these days. By now, I'm sure you know that stevia is one of the …
Case History: This Aspartame Nightmare Is NO Joke
Dear Dr. Hull, my name is Christina. I’m a 57 year old female from Charlotte, SC. I’ve been using aspartame for 3 years, and my health problems first appeared after I started consuming …
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Q&A: Aspartame In My Nicotine Lozenges … Really?
Q: After 12 months, I discovered that aspartame was in my nicotine replacement lozenges that I was using to stop smoking. My health became really bad when I abruptly stopped taking the nicotine …
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The FDA Denied Aspartame’s Approval And Then Banned It
FDA approvals don't mean much for consumer safety anymore. They used to do their job (or at least they tried to), but they have a history of shoddy safety approvals. FDA officials tried to do what …
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Aspartame Causes Fetal Abnormalities – The Aspartame Files
I recently interviewed Dr. Woody Monte, PhD on my weekly podcast. He told the story of a young mother who came to his office at Arizona State University carrying an empty 2-liter bottle of diet cola …
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Where Did The Aspartame Warning Go?
When the news finally broke that aspartame causes cancer, the media streams lite up! We were so excited that what we've known for decades was finally public. Today, have you heard any more about …
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