Learning from our history is one of the best ways to gain the wisdom to create a better future. We learn to not repeat our mistakes and to replicate the things that work for the benefit of …
Case History: Aspartame Toxicity Begins In The Mouth
Hello Janet, I hope this email finds you in good health. I stumbled across your website when doing some research into oral lichen planus and the possible triggers to OLP. I didn't even know this …
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I’m Glad I Almost Died From Aspartame
No one wants to be deathly ill, but I'm glad I almost died from aspartame poisoning. Why? If I hadn't had a deadly reaction to aspartame, I would have never figured out how toxic it is, and I …
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Did You Know Aspartame Research Has Been Discredited?
We are in an information war today, but we've actually been in this war for decades - we just didn't know it. When I watch what's going on today with COVID and therapeutics, I can't help but …
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Are We Hearing The Truth About Health Or Playing Word Games?
I had a client ask me a hard question the other day. When someone asks you a question, do you answer them honestly or do you circle around and play word games to avoid telling them the truth? My …
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Kids Are Smarter Than You Think
Here is an email I received from 11-year-old Eva - it reminds me that our kids really do know what's going on .... they are much smarter than we think. Dear Dr. Hull, My name is Eva, and I am 11 …