Learning from our history is one of the best ways to gain the wisdom to create a better future. We learn to not repeat our mistakes and to replicate the things that work for the benefit of everyone.
That’s the way it’s supposed to be, anyway.
Years ago when aspartame was one of the most controversial topics in modern time, its safety concerns were impacting the world, and are actually still impacting global health.
Before The NutraSweet Company lost its patent for aspartame in the 1990s, aspartame was exclusively made in Japan. Today, most of the world’s aspartame supply is still manufactured in Japan and in China.
Think about this fact – aspartame is an ingredient found in over 10,000 consumer foods and beverages sold worldwide, including these products but not limited to just them – diet sodas and other soft drinks, instant breakfasts, breath mints, cereals, chewing gum, cocoa mixes, frozen desserts, gelatin desserts, juices, laxatives, chewable vitamin supplements, milk drinks, pharmaceutical drugs and OTC medications, shake mixes, tabletop sweeteners, teas, instant coffees, topping mixes, wine coolers, and yogurt.
Today, our pharmaceutical industry depends on global supply chains, and China and India play key roles in the supply of both product ingredients and marketed drugs.
The top five Big Pharma companies are Pfizer (US), Roche, and Novartis (both Swiss), Merck (US) and GlaxoSmithKline (UK).
Whether we buy therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine, chemical food additives like aspartame, or vaccines like COVID vaccines, today the health of Americans depends on pharmaceutical production from outside of the USA.
This needs to change.
A Wealth of Evidence

Since its discovery in the 1960s, aspartame has significantly influenced our global food supply. Despite the wealth of evidence proving that aspartame is a toxic substance, this chemical sweetener remains on the global market today. In spite of scientific proof showing that aspartame causes neurological brain damage, cancer, endocrine disruption, weight gain, and fetal deformities, aspartame is still marketed as a safe and natural chemical sweetener.
Does this scenario sound familiar today concerning COVID vaccines?
Japan’s Ajinomoto
Let’s learn from some history: American based G.D. Searle Pharmaceuticals first discovered aspartame in 1965. Searle contracted Japan’s Ajinomoto Company, Inc. to manufacture and supply their “revolutionary” amino acid-based sweetener, and Ajinomoto perfected the industrial synthesis of aspartame.
Today, the Ajinomoto Company claims to produce 40 percent of the global market share. Ajinomoto has operations in 23 countries worldwide, backed by over 100 manufacturing facilities. They employ over 24,000 people, and their yearly revenue averages $9.84 billion U.S.

The questionable safety of aspartame puts Japan’s Ajinomoto Company in the middle of global consumer safety concerns.
The Ajinomoto Company states on their websites that they are the world’s “#1 Amino Acid Science Company.” Since 1908, they have been a world leader in the refining, blending, and pulverizing of amino acids. They claim that they manufacture the world’s finest pharmaceutical grade amino acids; nevertheless, they questionably state that the two amino acids they use in aspartame are all natural.
When any manufacturer claims this, ask to see their purchase orders and waste disposal for the food sources of natural amino acids, like meats, milk, papaya or peaches.
That’s a lot of food waste if their ingredients are all natural.
Global scientific research disputes that the amino acids found in aspartame are natural, and scientific studies also confirm that aspartame causes brain lesions, cancer, such as leukemia and lymphoma, memory loss, fetal deformities, and weight gain.
The debate on aspartame dangers hasn’t gone away, but it’s been buried under other pharmaceutical blunders that have followed – like the COVID vaccines.
Change for the Better

Something as simple as removing aspartame from your life and postponing getting the COVID vaxx with its infinite boosters can stimulate one of the biggest health transformations in human history.
With the number of toxins in our foods, in medications, and in the environment today, you can make the choice to remove pharmaceutical and food toxins from your personal life for a healthier future.
Knowledge is power, but it’s what you do with your knowledge that makes the difference. As an educated consumer, you have the information to choose what you and your family can do to stay safe.
Aspartame is proven to be one of the most dangerous chemical toxins in our modern food supply, and the COVID vaccine is proving NOT to be safe for everyone.
Why take the chance with your future health?
Further information on aspartame can be found at:
If you want to learn more about healthy living and disease prevention, contact me at janethull.com. Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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