Q: Muscle Cramps Every Day Why do I sometimes get as many as 30-40 cramps a day? They can be anywhere on my body, except for my hands and arms. I can be incapacitated for 45-60 minutes sometimes. …
Do You Want To Avoid Gall Bladder Surgery?
Recently, I received an email from a gal who was told she needed gall bladder surgery. She is 5'5" and weighs 160 lbs. I'm not real fat," she wrote, "but I am over weight. I have a lot of muscle …
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Smart Kids Don’t Use Aspartame
Dear Dr. Hull, My name is Eva, and I am 11 years old. Thank you for your great information on aspartame poisoning. My mom had aspartame poisoning for a while. After she figured out that she …
Oh No – It’s Allergy Season Again
Q: Oh man. It's autumn, and as beautiful as it is in Iowa right now, my family's allergies are out of control. How would you handle a pollen allergy in a 4 year old boy? My son is suffering big …
Why You Get Muscle Cramps
I am writing you in pain. I am getting as many as 30-40 cramps a day, and boy do they hurt. What's happening to me? They can be anywhere on my body, except I never get them on my hands or arms. I …
How Do I Persuade My Co-Workers To Stop Drinking Diet Sodas?
Ask Dr. Hull Can you tell me how I can persuade people about the evil dangers of aspartame? I can't believe people still drink these sodas and chew sugarless gum knowing how toxic it is to your …
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