Cats shed. Dogs shed. Birds lose their feathers. So, do humans shed? Yes we do. We shed skin cells, hair, and viruses. For patients recovering from severe COVID-19, researchers have found a …
Case History: I Always Had Migraines
Hi Dr. Hull. I am Cammy from Rexford. I'm a 44 year old female, and I had only consumed aspartame and the diet sweeteners for a year, but boy, was that a year of hell. My health symptoms started …
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Improve Your IQ For Better Health
How smart are you? According to Webster, IQ measures how smart you are, but I think this may be a false IQ system that we are lumped into. To me, IQ is the combination of intuition, …
It’s Mosquito Season Again – Proceed With Caution
-- Most commercial insect repellants contain a chemical known as DEET® and should be used with caution, and avoided, if possible. -- We have all heard that mosquito sprays contain DEET, and we have …
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Vitamin D Is A Game Changer
We all know that vitamin D is critical for good health, but how much to take is the real question. Do you know how much you need? Most everyone can get enough vitamin D from sunlight, but …
Laughter Is The Best Medicine
There IS a link between laughter and good health. You can laugh at this, but you'll be healthier for it. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural chemicals your body produces …