Vitamin C. I just can’t say enough about how important this vitamin is to your health. The most affective forms of vitamin C are Acerola and Ascorbic Acid NOT from highly processed corn or corn …
Raw – The Right Kind of Food
Raw. Why is eating raw your best choice? Raw foods contain enzymes needed for digestion. Ideally, no meal should be eaten that is fully cooked. Animal and human studies have shown that when a fully …
Do You Want To Prevent Cancer?
Let me introduce you to the late Dr. John Richardson, M.D. and his pioneering work in the alternative cancer industry. I revived Dr. Richardson’s cancer prevention program in the Richardson Cancer …
The Only Thing I Drank Was Diet Cola
My name is Sue, and I am 42 years old living in the UK. I have been using the diet sweeteners since I was in my teens. All of my health symptoms started after consuming aspartame. My story will be a …
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Case History: I Finally Listened To My Wife
Hi Dr. Hull. I am G Hobbs, a 54 year old male, whose health symptoms started after consuming aspartame. I drank Diet Pepsi by the 2-liter, and a few others, too. I had no idea what I was doing to my …
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Case History: Aspartame & Interferon – The Biggest Nightmare Of My Life
I am a 47 year old female who’s used aspartame for several years. My health symptoms started after I started consuming aspartame. I drank a lot of diet flavored water, I ate diet yogurt and drank all …
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