I received a very interesting email from a client the other day, and it is worth sharing with you. It was a question about liver health, and let me tell you ... your liver is very important to your …
Medications Or Vitamins – Which Causes The Most Deaths?
According to the 31st Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System, there have been no deaths from vitamin supplements, while deaths from a drug …
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Pucker Up – Make Lemonade Out Of Lemons
I don't know too many people who aren't picking up a weird vibe these days. Little makes sense as our world turns upside down. People's health is being challenged, and our food supply just went on the …
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Kidney Pain? Your Body’s Telling You To Avoid Oxalates
What the heck are oxalates and how do they affect your kidneys? More people are complaining of kidney pain these days. Do you know someone with kidney pain? I do. When someone comes to me with …
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Case History: Rising From The Grave’s
Hi Janet. I am Aimee from Wisconsin. I am so glad I found you because if anyone can understand what I'm going through - it's you. I was diagnosed with Grave's disease in January, and I have been …
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Your Body Floats In Water So Just Keep Swimming
All of your cells float in water, and they have been submersed in water since the moment you were conceived. As a matter of fact, all of your cells reproduce and heal in water. If you are …
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