Would it surprise you that a study in Sweden* has proven that yet another American "drug" doesn't work? That study was published in 2013. Why are we still using these drugs if they knew years …
Listen To What Your Kidneys Tell You About Splenda®
Kidney infections, kidney stones, and lower back pain. When your kidneys are sick, they'll let you know. If you pay attention to the signals early enough, you might avoid getting worse. When I …
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Baby If You Have Trouble Breathing
Have you noticed that a baby calms down when you put them on their tummy? Lying on your tummy takes pressure off your organs, especially your lungs and heart. Try it for yourself the next time you …
Important Links For MS Caused By Aspartame
Do you have MS, suffer with MS symptoms, or know someone with MS? Don't forget that aspartame can produce MS symptoms, and many people have been diagnosed with MS who don't have it - it was …
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Case History: Does Anyone Care That Aspartame Still Makes You Sick?
I hope you can help me, Dr. Hull. I am writing to you tonight because I'm frustrated, and I guess I'm sad. All I hear these days is COVID, COVID, COVID. Have people forgotten that there are still …
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Why You Get Sleepy When The Sun Goes Down – Serotonin VS Melatonin
Have you ever noticed that bees don't fly at night and the birds go to sleep right before the sun goes down? You'll really notice this if you have chickens. Most wild animals, and free-range …
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