Here are some cool tips for adding some flavor to your water - ice cubes made from fresh limes, lemons, and even coffee. Juice Your Cubes Juice lemons or limes (add the rind and pulp, too), and pour …
A Carb Is A Carb Is A Carb To A Diabetic
If you are diabetic and watching your carbs, just know that at the end of the day, a carb is a carb is a carb. It doesn't matter if it's a fiber carb or a sugar carb - every diabetic needs to watch …
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The $332,000 Stem Cell Burger
Yes, I wrote stem cell burger. And yes, it costs $332,000. Crazy, huh? It's more than crazy, it's INSANE. We have reached a dangerous cross-roads in human food domination to even consider stem cell …
Eat To Live – Don’t Live To Eat
We need food to survive. We eat to live; we don't live to eat. The human body is like a machine. A machine burns gasoline or coal for fuel - the human body burns food for fuel. A machine converts its …
Probiotics – Hit Em’ Hard
It is VERY important to listen to your gut. Pay attention to probiotics because they can protect you from the abundance of chemicals saturating our foods and drinks. The importance of …
Are These Cancer Causing Food Chemicals?
BEWARE: today's food supply is becoming more and more toxic. Fat substitutes, the diet sweeteners, and GMOs are taking over our food choices, and when they are unlabeled, you just don't know what you …
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