Let me share something that I do every time I do a hair analysis to help people determine why they are sick. I always ask why? Let's say that you have Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), and your doctor …
Don’t Eat Radioactive Veggies
Mom always said to eat your veggies, but not the radioactive ones. We all know that we need to eat our veggies everyday to stay healthy, but when did we start eating radioactive veggies? There's no …
Case History: Your Detox Saved My Dog
Dear Dr. Hull: I just experienced something amazing and had to tell you. You recommended I take the French Green Clay to detox the heavy metals I have in my body. Well, turns out I needed it for my …
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Protect Your Blood Now More Than Ever
Your blood is a life source that keeps you alive, but keeping your blood clean and pure is more delicate than you realize. Blood brings oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body. Blood carries …
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Everything Is Going GREEN These Days, Including Your Cola
Colas are going GREEN now. So what makes a cola green? "Green Cola" is a new brand of carbonated soft drink that is zero sugar and zero calorie, but what makes it unique is having no phosphoric …
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Eat More Honey, Honey
A spoonful of honey might save your life. Yep - eating a spoonful of honey every day provides many health benefits. Honey has been used for its nutritional benefits since ancient times, and can …