Aspartame Case History
I am writing to you tonight about my situation. I have CHIARI from a car accident years ago. I have had 5 brain surgeries, a shunt placed in my brain; I’m on pain meds, and have been for years, yet I’ve been getting much worse day after day over the past year.
I drink nothing but the store brand of Crystal Lite and it has ASPARTAME in it. I drink this 24 hours a day, everyday. After reading the articles on Aspartame, I’m concerned. I have EVERY SYMPTOM! I can barely get off the couch, walking is painful, I can’t stand long…I can’t afford your detox program, or the hair test because I can’t work and my husband is retired and money just isn’t there after 5 brain surgeries, doctor bills, and meds.
I was wondering if you have a program that helps people that need help, but can’t afford it. Please let me know. I’m one step away from using my wheelchair again, which I haven’t used in years, and I’m so upset. My muscles are spasming so bad in my arms and legs, my toes cramp and lock up; I have blurred vision, ringing/swishing in my ears; I am dizzy, nauseous; I have no appetite; I sleep all the time; I am in constant pain; I have headaches, tingling, numbing, and so much more. I have no life. I’m depressed all the time. Can you help me please? Thank you.
From Dr. Hull

Wow, you have really been through it. You are wise to keep searching for ways to get better, and you are wise to consider aspartame as a cause for not getting better. Your continued health symptoms are classic aspartame reactions, and the research as early as the 1960s from Washington School of Medicine PROVED that aspartame causes brain lesions.
Whenever anyone uses aspartame and the health symptoms that you listed are chronically present, REMOVE the aspartame and within a few weeks, most people see an improvement in their symptoms. Then they have their proof. The docs, sadly, have been “told” to stay clear of this aspartame debate and they will tell you that aspartame has nothing to do with your concerns, yet they can’t seem to fix it…Why? Because your aspartame use was not properly addressed.
I recommend looking at these videos (below): they are specific to MS symptoms caused by aspartame, but they will inspire and educate you about the truth behind aspartame. You will relate! My book, Sweet Poison, will also give you some hope that you can strengthen your body and your spirit, and it will teach you how to detox inexpensively. You can find Sweet Poison at your library, too.
Check out these inspirational books and DVDs:
http://www.sweetpoison.com/about-sweetpoison.html (my book)
http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/sweet-remedy/ (a colleague who got out her wheelchair)
http://www.amazon.com/Solving-Mystery-Multiple-Sclerosis-Poisoning/dp/B003L783I0 (a research scientist who has proven aspartame dangers)
I hope this helps. Stay strong, and never stop fighting for your health.