WHY were roadblocks in St. Clair and Bibb counties asking for blood and saliva samples Friday night, early Saturday morning, Saturday night, and early Sunday morning, June 8-9, 2013?
According to the St.Clair sheriff’s department, this wasn’t the first time roadblocks have been used for random human fluid samples. Road blocks were first used in 2007, but with social media today, word of last weekend’s road blocks has exploded.
“They were taking the samples in other parts of the county,” the sheriff’s department explained. “They want to find out how many people are driving with alcohol in their system, or prescription drugs, things like that.”

Would You Volunteer?
J Bosey witnessed these roadblocks and wrote on his blog that Sunday, early in the afternoon, he and his wife were going down State Highway 34 between Pell City and Talladega to see a matinee when they saw NHTSA (National Highway & Traffic Safety Administration) roadblocks set up to collect mouth swabs and/or blood tests.
Bosey wrote that they’d flag you down to a stop and ask if you would like to volunteer a mouth swab and a small vial of your blood. If drivers participated, they were directed to an area where someone took the samples. In return, they would pay $10 for the saliva sample, and $50 for a blood sample.
Off-duty St. Clair County deputies stopped cars at random at road block areas. The road blocks were marked with signs stating that this was a paid survey. The drivers were asked for voluntary cooperation, but if they declined, they were free to go.
The officers were in uniform and in their County Sheriff cars; those taking the samples wore dark blue, pull over shirts and Khaki pants.
Apparently, NHTSA is paying off-duty deputies to work these roadblocks and paying researchers to study the samples. The officers told the drivers that the samples would not have their names or any personal information of any kind attached to their samples. No one was required to show their driver’s license at the stops.
Address The CAUSE
I’m not sure what to think about something like this. It’s creepy, no doubt. If authorities are getting that concerned about drivers intoxicated with prescription drugs, alcohol (that’s a given), or illegal drugs, I think there are better ways to resolve this problem – that’s addressing the root CAUSE of this problem, which is:
- the plethora of pharmaceutical drugs on the market today;
- the plethora of toxic innoculations;
- aspartame, and why the PROOF that aspartame adversely affects brain function has not been addressed by lawmakers;
- toxic food chemicals interacting with all of the above.
Now, there’s a solution!!