There are two big concerns threatening the health and wellness of humanity. This is a big statement, but all too true.
Both of these issues are coming out of Japan.
We need to act on some solutions really fast to stop more damage from being done, but we need to send our best wishes for the health and safety of the people of Japan because they are in the same danger as we all are.
What am I talking about?
Aspartame and radiation poisoning – both made in Japan and both threatening the future of our world.
Radiation Hazard From Fukushima

Today, a 4.3 and a 5.3-magnitude earthquake struck at Ishikaua, Japan under Fukushima where the nuclear power plant was dangerously damaged during the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
The 2011 natural disaster caused three reactors to melt, and damaged a fuel cooling pool at a fourth reactor. It is confirmed that radiation-contaminated groundwater began seeping, has been seeping and is still seeping, into the Pacific Ocean since the 2011 meltdowns. The radiation is killing the ocean life, mutating the offspring, and moving into the West Coast of the United States.
The ocean currents are circulating this radiation world wide, and as as the water from the oceans evaporate into the atmosphere, the radiation will be carried into our global atmospheric wind currents.
We are ALL in trouble here.
The question everyone should ask is “why would you build a nuclear power plant ON TOP of an active earthquake zone, which sits ON TOP of the Ring of Fire?“ Almost 90 percent of the world’s earthquakes occur in this region.
And we wonder why dead whales, dolphins, and seals are washing onto the Pacific shores? The impact to humans is next.

Aspartame was first discovered in the United States in 1965. At this time, the Japanese company Ajinomoto was contracted to exclusively manufacture and supply this “revolutionary” amino acid-based sweetener, and the industrial synthesis of aspartame was deemed as perfected.
I always found it interesting that Monsanto Chemical Company, founder of NutraSweet/Equal®, contracted a manufacturer in the 1960s outside of the USA to exclusively produce aspartame …
Today, the questionable safety of aspartame puts Ajinomoto in the middle of global consumer safety concerns. Ajinomoto persists in its safety claims that that the two amino acids used in aspartame are all natural, but the research has discovered that the ingredients found in aspartame are not natural and are highly toxic to human health. Scientific studies continue to confirm that aspartame causes disease and weight gain.
With over $125 million US currently invested in aspartame by Ajinomoto, the push to sell aspartame worldwide is as strong as ever. As the corporations push harder to secure their investment gains, consumer questions still remain unanswered. People want to know why global governments have approved aspartame amid the proven safety concerns, and why nothing is being done today about its health dangers.
Sadly, these two products “Made in Japan” are harming ALL life on our planet.

The Solutions
It appears that we cannot depend on any governments to STOP the sale of aspartame. So, this leaves the solution up to YOU, the consumer, to simply STOP buying anything with aspartame or the other chemical sweeteners. The loss of profits is the only thing corporations will respond to.
It may be too late to reverse the radiation spill that is killing the Pacific Ocean. However, action can be taken to shut down the nuclear power plant, raze it in clays, like the Soviets did at the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown in the 1980s, and distribute the ingestible French Green clay to the Japanese population to help remove radiation exposure.
Everyone on the West Coast of the US should begin a radiation detox ASAP for prevention. Wash you vegetables, and buy organic foods from your local farmers to secure that your food is from the highest quality environments.
Heads Up – these are two toxic threats made in Japan that are devastating our global community.