You can’t put the genie back in the bottle – or should I say – you can’t put the truth behind the mega-profits made off aspartame back in the bottle …
Once the truth about aspartame is out, there will be BIG changes for the better.
Dangerous Reactions
Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are experiencing dangerous health reactions to aspartame and the diet chemicals.
Research studies from all over the world continue to prove that the artificial sweeteners cause obesity, memory loss, sexual dysfunction, infertility, cancer, and childhood diseases.
Why haven’t you heard about this on mainstream news? Well, if you knew the truth (the whole truth), would you still be using aspartame or the other chemical sweeteners?
There’s your answer …. the truth has been kept from you to protect their profit using your health.
Sorry, soft drink companies and Big Pharma … the genie is out of the bottle!
Now Or Never
We know more today about the dangers of the artificial sweeteners than we knew thirty years ago, but one thing has not changed – the safety concerns have not been properly addressed.
It’s now or never.
Truth Out

We must push the truth about aspartame and the chemical sweeteners into the mainstream once and for all because if we continue to use these toxic sweeteners, our global health and safety will worsen day by day.
Our children are becoming toxic from birth. The elderly are suffering at the hands of diet chemical sweeteners in institutional foods and in medications.
Our pets that eat table scraps are even getting human diseases these days.
The Health Care Debate
Are you worried about the future of our health care system? Simply removing aspartame from the food supply can transform the health care system – seriously!
Less people will be chronically ill once they remove the “cause” of the many mysterious, and costly, disease syndromes costing the health care system billions of dollars.
Decades Of Poison
After decades of diet sweetener use, people all over the world can see for themselves the rise in degenerative disease, depression and mental illness, birth defects, learning disorders, ADD/ADHD and autism, dementia, diabetes, Fibromyalgia, MS and Parkinson’s, lymphoma, leukemia, sexual dysfunction, and obesity.
If you are worried about a health issue that your doctor can’t “see” or fully understand, try stopping all aspartame and diet sweetener use. After 6-weeks, notice if your health symptoms have gone away, or at the very least lessened.
This can save you thousands of dollars, and lots of wasted time and worry.

It’s Your Choice
Whether you choose to use the artificial sweeteners is your personal choice, but at the very least, you deserve to know the hidden truth behind the diet sweeteners. If not for you, do it for your children.
Enough already. Truth out.