Try this experiment: Rub the palms of your hands together like you are trying to keep warm. Keep rubbing until you feel your hands moisten. The faster your hands become moist, the more water you have in your body, and this is good.
The longer it takes to feel any moisture, the more dehydrated you are.
Water Slows Aging
If you naturally have dry skin, you need more water in your daily diet. Keeping your body hydrated with water lessens wrinkles and the effects of aging. People from cultures around the world who drink only water, such as Native and Indigenous Indians, enjoy many years of beautiful and youthful skin. They also have a lower incidence of colon cancer.
And drinking water may actually help you lose weight.
Water And Weight Loss
Ellington Darden, PhD, writes in his book, A Flat Stomach ASAP, that super hydration, sipping large amounts of water each day, is an important dietary guideline.
Drinking water can often satisfy hunger according to Dr. F.
Batmanghelidj, M.D. In his book, Your Body’s Many Cries for Water. Dr. Batmanghelidj writes: “Many persons confuse their thirst as hunger. Thinking they have consumed enough “water” from their sodas, they assume they are hungry and begin to eat more than their body needs for food. In due time, dehydration will cause a gradual gain in weight from overeating as a direct result of confusion of thirst and hunger sensations.”

Chief Oren Lyons of the Onondaga American Indian tribe stated in the book, Wisdomkeepers: “One of the Natural laws is that you must keep things pure. Especially the water. Keeping the water pure is one of the first laws of life. If you destroy the water, you destroy life.”
Simplify your life by drinking ample amounts of pure water every day, and see if you notice the difference.