Sometimes I get overwhelmed thinking about the world today. Vaccines, Fukushima, GMOs, diet sweeteners.
War, corruption, Congress, the failing economy, sea levels rising, CDC cover-ups, the NSA – OK, enough already.
It seems everything has gone crazy, everywhere. How do you cope?
Tips To Stay Positive
The best way to keep from getting pulled under by the tsunami of mistrust, disappointment, and negativity is to stay positive. A healthy outlook results in a healthy YOU. Look for the best outcome in any situation. It will make you physically feel better.
Make lemonade out of life’s lemons.

Here are some healthy strategies you can apply to your daily routine, and before you know it, they’ll be a part of your outlook – no matter what challenges you face:
- Get outdoors, even if it’s to walk the dog or water the garden; take a deep breath of fresh air and feel the warmth of the Sun;
- Take a long walk with a friend or family member. Walking releases endorphins, and breaking a sweat releases both emotional and physical toxins; waking and talking restores healthy communication and laughter;
- Turn off the television, limit the time you spend on your iPad, and cut back on Facebook; release your addiction to technology;
- Stay active with friends in your community; you’d be surprised how good this makes you feel;
- Eliminate (at the very least reduce) your refined sugar intake; too much sugar makes you feel ill;
- Take a quality multi-vitamin at least 4 times a week; today’s food quality is lacking (to say the least), and a good multi is an insurance policy that takes unneeded stress off of your immune system;
- De-clutter and do not hoard; clutter bogs you down, both physically and mentally; hanging on to “old things” keeps you in the past;
- Live in the present; don’t drag the past into your future; don’t worry about tomorrow; focus on this moment and make it better than the moment before; this secures an even better moment that’s about to begin;
- Detox regularly to remove environmental toxins in the food, air, and water; detoxing can neutralize electromagnetic radiation from the technology all around us, such as cell phones, Chemtrails, and SmartMeters;
- Avoid negativity; do your best to limit your interaction with negative and critical people;
- Encourage rather than discourage; look at every situation a change for the better;
- Show kindness in your words and thoughts; words are a tool, so craft them wisely;
- Plant your own garden;
- Use coconut oil; eat organic and non GMO food;
- Create time to laugh and have fun;
- Do your best in all you do, and don’t worry about what other people think of you or your dreams;
- Live in a place that makes you feel happy and worthwhile; move if you have to. We are all products of our environment, so choose the right environment for your deepest desires.

A humble and positive attitude begets good health. The world is a bit crazy right now, but your positive contribution will help the world become a better place.
Doesn’t this already make you feel better?