Sometimes it is hard to stay positive when diagnosed with illness. Believe me, I know.
When I was diagnosed with Grave’s disease in 1991, only my sister, one holistic friend, and my nutritionist supported my efforts to heal myself without surgery and drugs.
I locked on to their positive and optimistic outlooks with my life – literally.
The rest of my friends and family encouraged me to blindly follow every bit of advice from my doctor; they thought I’d gone mad to refuse his directives. They were offering me their opinions out of love and concern, no doubt, but I knew in my gut that there was more to my diagnosis than textbook symptoms, and outcomes.
So, I faced the fear of death with the belief that I could heal myself. And, I did.
I am not recommending that you ignore your doctor’s advice or forgo the many medical options you have when faced with illness. But, I am supporting a positive outlook, a hope for finding the right answers and solutions, and honoring the belief that people can heal from disease in multiple ways.
When I returned to health after 6-weeks of removing the cause of my diagnosis, which was aspartame found in NutraSweet/Equal®, I shared what I had done to recover with my doctor. I expected him to be as excited as I was, and concur that people can heal from an “incurable” disease.
What I received was the opposite. My doctor shamed me, warned me that no one can “cure” Grave’s disease, that he was the doctor – not me, and that my Grave’s would come back.
That was in 1991. My Grave’s disease has never come back.
He was wrong.
When You Were A Kid

No matter what generation you were born in, most of us can remember learning to ride a bicycle. How many times did you fall down and scrape your knees or smash your tender baby-face on the sidewalk?
How many times did your parents, grandparents, siblings or friends tell you to get right back up on that bike and keep trying until you master the task?
THIS is the positive side of emotional healing.
It is important to have encouragement, positivity, understanding, and non-judgment from others when you are recovering from an illness.
Alternative Therapies
If you have been diagnosed with a disease, it is wise to explore all of your healing options, from allopathic to alternative therapies.
I have always said that alternative practitioners – herbalists, nutritionists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists – are willing to work with allopathic doctors in helping patients recover from disease, yet most allopathic doctors don’t seem as willing to work with the alternatives.
This is where your emotional half kicks in.

Hit Your Bullseye
I look at nutritional healing like shooting arrows at a target. Load your quill with every arrow possible, and keep trying everything that feels right to you when healing from disease.
Eventually, you’ll hit the bullseye.
In any situation, remember to believe in your intuition, follow your common-sense, stay open-minded, learn all that you can, maintain your faith, and face your fears.
After all – this is your life, and no one can walk your path, but you.
Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.