It looks like 2015 may be “The Year of the Outlaw.” We seem to be creating so many laws these days, we’re making criminals out of everyone – even our children.
I have cited three very critical issues (and new laws) that are threatening our health freedom today.
Will standing up for our freedom of choice turn us all into outlaws?
I live in Texas where many still look at life like the cowboys did. Standing up for truth and justice just comes natural. Actually, I started on this path in 1991 when I began my research into the hidden dangers of aspartame and the manipulation of the truth about artificial sweeteners.
Freedom is everyone’s birthright. Without it, we become outlaws.
What’s Ahead in 2015
2015 will be a year of change because there are many issues today threatening our freedom.
Basically, people worldwide are losing their “right to know” and their “freedom of choice.” More and more lawmakers funded by corporate lobbyists are working behind closed doors to manipulate these freedoms – from what we eat, to how we raise our children, to our right to refuse vaccines and inoculations.

Now, storing and sharing seeds is becoming an underground, black-market; healthy people are being fined if they don’t carry allopathic medical insurance; our savings and retirement accounts are in danger of being “bailed in” after new regulations supporting Cyprus style bank bail-ins were rubber stamped in 2014.
What can we do to keep this from getting worse?
A Turning Point
Our world is at a turning point, and inevitable changes are ahead because too much deception, corruption, and manipulation has gone on far too long. New laws are now creeping into your home – that means into your bank account, into your kitchen, your bedroom, and into your parenting.
The tipping point hinges on your freedom to choose how you live your personal life, which is everyone’s inherent right.
This can be a passive show-down if done correctly. Vote corporate control out of political offices, say no to the new laws flooding into the states, and rally for old-fashioned free choice.
No one should ever have to give up their personal freedom without it being their own choice. If we do not turn things around in 2015, nonetheless, it appears that we are onboard a run-away train heading in the wrong direction, away from our freedom to choose and into more inequity.
We keep repeating history like waking up in the movie, Groundhog Day.

Seed Libraries
For thousands of years, people have exchanged seeds to grow the best tomatoes, potatoes, or the perfect strawberry. Today with the onslaught of “unnatural and lesser-quality seeds”, a new effort to loan and borrow seeds has created a conflict between gardeners and the government officials who feel obligated to enforce laws restricting the practice of seed choices.
It looks like storing and sharing seeds is becoming an “underground, black-market.” Are we becoming criminals because we choose what we sow?
Agriculture officials say they aren’t looking for a fight, but feel obligated to enforce laws within the increasingly popular seed libraries. They claim that they are protecting the farmers with laws meant to ensure seeds are not mixed with unwanted weeds or plants. Even though most of the laws refer to the “sales” of seeds, this now includes exchanges — where no money changes hands.
The history of global agriculture is based on the exchange of seeds, so why is this freedom of choice under attack today?
We are making criminals out of our farmers, home gardeners, and librarians.

Just before Christmas 2014, parents in the states of Ohio and Michigan had their legal rights to make voluntary choices about vaccinating their children taken away from them.
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) was able to warn parents in Ohio in time for them to take action against this passing into Ohio state law, but forced vaccination proponents in Michigan pulled a fast one, and succeeded in gutting vaccine informed consent rights in that state.
We are now making criminals out of parents who choose to err on the side of caution by not inoculating their children with questionable vaccines.
Who’s Liable?
Who’s liable for vaccine injuries when there is no freedom of choice? Parent’s know their children better than anyone – better than a doctor, any politician, a teacher, or a neighbor. The right to vaccinate or to not vaccinate digs deep into the roots of ideology, spiritually, religion, and one’s beliefs concerning life and death.
If you believe that vaccinations are safe for everyone and at any age, that is your freedom of choice. But, also respect those who disagree with your beliefs, and allow them the same freedom to choose. Don’t criminalize them.
No one knows the longterm health affects or the interactions of the increasing number of vaccinations given so freely today. Studies show that childhood vaccinations are actually causing the reverse effect – more disease, not less.
No matter what state you live in, please understand that the forced vaccination lobby could descend on your state in 2015. Be prepared to fight back by learning what you can do about it. Here is the link to NVIC.org to prevent vaccine injuries that can be irreversible in any child.
Governments that won’t allow vaccine exemptions cross a very sacred line, criminalizing your freedom of choice.

Food Labeling
I have found that GMO labeling is a topic many people choose to avoid. But, consider this very important underlying point – accurate labeling of anything that you eat, drink, or put on your body is one of the most important rights you have.
When you give up your right to be accurately and honestly informed (about anything), or when someone or something thinks so little of you that they keep secrets from you, then you have relinquished a very critical, social freedom.
Your right to know may prevent you from becoming very sick some day; it may even prevent premature death. Defend your right to know for the sake of your children, and the family pet.
Research scientists at MIT have proven that the side effects of autism closely mimic those of glyphosate toxicity from the use of Roundup® on GMO crops and in Roundup-ready GMO crop seeds. The researchers predict that one-half of all American children will be autistic by 2025 if this exposure continues. Children with autism have biomarkers indicative of excessive glyphosate, including zinc and iron deficiency, low serum sulfate levels, seizures, and mitochondrial disorders.
Defend your freedom to know if you are feeding your children glyphosate-GMO foods.
This list is growing day by day, so I’ll stop with these three very important examples of what happens when you give up your freedom of choice and your right to know. Corporate leaders, their lobbyists, and the politicians that they financially support will rarely defend your personal freedom at the expense of their power and profits. So it is up to you, your friends, family, and neighbors to defend your freedom.
2015 will prove to be a very interesting year, with lots of needed changes ahead.
May this be the year that we reclaim our freedom of choice, all over the world.

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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.