We are witnessing a revolution today – there are lots of changes infiltrating our lives. How we handle them is the key.
It’s best to assume that most changes are good, but some are not, and some can be scary because we aren’t given enough good information to understand them correctly.
Life on this amazing planet is ever-changing. Think about this: if life on Earth doesn’t change, evolve, improve, or work out the kinks, we’d be in big trouble because this means that we, humans, would be stuck, out of balance, and no longer part of the on-going Web of Life.
- food
- water
- medicine
- religion
- education
The list of changes that we are experiencing today is limitless, but let’s focus on the ones that affect YOU personally. The changes that are made by people, corporations, and lawmakers that affect YOU personally.
Buckle up because the changes happening right now are doozies.
Hemp Versus Pot (Marijuana)

One of the most incredible changes happening today is the re-introduction of hemp into the mainstream.
Do you understand that hemp is not pot?
Research this, and educate yourself about:
- the history of hemp
- the uses for hemp
- the history of marijuana
- the use of marijuana
- the differences between hemp and marijuana
Hemp and marijuana are both part of the Cannabis family, but hemp and marijuana are not the same.
I’ve NEVER done drugs – legal or illegal, OTC or prescribed. When I was a child, I wouldn’t tell my mother if I didn’t feel good because I didn’t want to go to the doctor; I knew instinctively that my body would take care of itself with the proper rest, food, water, and positive attitude.
I still practice this philosophy. And, I use hemp products and CBD oil (for both me and for my dogs), but I do not use marijuana.
I’m from a generation that deciding to use illegal drugs or not was a very distinct choice – it was easy to refuse the social pressure of doing drugs back in the 60s and 70s. Jimmy Hendrix. Janice Joplin. Jim Morrison. Their drug use was an obvious experience – it was pretty clear that illegal drugs destroyed their minds and their bodies.
Most of us got it when they overdosed and died from drug abuse.
Today, it’s different.
Hemp + Marijuana = Cannabis
Let’s circle back to the hemp versus marijuana issue.
Again, hemp and marijuana are both part of the Cannabis family, but hemp and marijuana are not the same.
In 1970 under the Controlled Substances Act, political lawmakers grouped all Cannabis as a Schedule I Drug and banned it – all of it.
Were they confused at the differences? Do they not know that the Hemp and Cannabis plants are not the same plant?
Who knows why bad politics took control of the Hemp and Cannabis industries, but it’s time to understand their history so that we can reverse this error for the love of our planet.
The Cannabis family is most infamously known for marijuana (“weed/pot”). This is the #1 reason most people confuse hemp with marijuana.
Hemp is actually the industrial, non-drug variant of Cannabis that is cultivated for its fiber and seeds. Hemp and Cannabis plants have very similar anatomies, and they look the same, but they are not the same.
Hemp is used in a variety of ways that Cannabis or marijuana can’t possibly be used for. These include dietary supplements, skin products, clothing, oils, and paper.
Overall, hemp is known to have over 25,000 marketable applications.
The Constitution of the United States was written on hemp paper, and the ropes used for the ships that sailed the Pilgrims to America were made of hemp.
Can you imagine the ecological benefits of returning to hemp paper, alone? How many trees can be saved?

- Not only would we save the immense destruction of the rain forests, worldwide, but all of the precious wildlife that is destroyed by cutting down our forests would be saved, too.
- The health benefits of hemp are amazing, and everyday, more case histories are surfacing that confirm this fact.
- The agricultural production of hemp and new manufacturing possibilities of producing hemp products will stimulate the world economy and open countless job opportunities. China is the world’s biggest producer of hemp stalks, and China’s hemp industry nets over $200 M annually.
What in the heck are we waiting for? WHY would ANY government ban hemp as a Schedule I Drug?
Marijuana is widely known for medicinal or recreational purposes, and is banned as a Schedule I Drug. The medicinal uses of marijuana are becoming more well-known, and the case histories are increasing.
The primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana is known as delta-9-tetrahydro-cannabinol (THC). THC acts on specific brain cell receptors called cannabinoids. Cannabinoid receptors are located throughout the human body.
Here’s where people get confused: many think that hemp, marijuana, cannabis, and cannabinoids are all the same thing. But that’s incorrect. Cannabis contains more than 113 cannabinoids, and cannabinoids are also receptors found in our bodies. Marijuana also contains over 400 other chemicals; THC is merely 1 in 400.
- Hemp and marijuana are both part of the Cannabis family, but hemp and marijuana are not the same thing;
- Cannabis contains more than 113 cannabinoids;
- Cannabinoid receptors are found throughout the human body.
The main difference between Hemp and Cannabis is the height of the plants. Cannabis plants are not that tall; Hemp plants, on the other hand, grow much taller, they grow rapidly, and require little water.
Why aren’t we encouraging this crop in the USA today?
Because of the THC concentrations.
Cannabis contains considerable amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). This is what produces a high. However, in Hemp, the THC content is very low – less than 1%. And keep in mind that Cannabis contains more than 113 cannabinoids, so Cannabis has very diverse applications, and not all contain high levels of THC, such as Cannabis oil (CBD).
THC has mild-to-moderate pain-killing effects, and is used for the treatment of pain by altering neurotransmitter release in the spinal cord, which results in pain relief. THC is now being used for lowering blood pressure, easing aggression, and for the treatment of nausea and vomiting, which is helpful for people undergoing chemotherapy or another treatment where nausea is a side effect.
Uses Of Hemp

- Seeds
- Fiber
- Woody Core
Hemp seeds are mainly used in dietary products. The seeds are typically hulled and used in a variety of ways. Hemp seeds can be eaten raw, ground into a meal, made into milk, and even used to make an amazing protein powder.
Can you say non-GMO and gluten-free?
Hemp seeds can also be pressed and made into oil. Hemp seed oil can be used as a food product, added to paint and ink, and is used as a core ingredient in many body products.
As an environmental engineer, I am adamant that reintroducing hemp back into society will save the environment in countless ways. Historically, there have been many different applications for the fibers found in the hemp stalk.
In the 193os, hemp was projected to be the next ‘billion dollar crop’, and was praised for its bafflingly strong fibers. At that time, there were more than 25,000 industrial uses for hemp. The fiber in the hemp stalk was used for clothing, bags, ropes, construction materials, paper, netting, canvas, and carpet.
When you slice a hemp stalk in half, you’ll find a long, string-like band of fiber that runs the length inside called hemp bast fiber. When harvested correctly, the fiber is actually stronger than steel.
So WHY aren’t we using hemp today? Everywhere. For anything possible.
The woody core of the hemp plant is called the hurd, which is the soft inner core of the hemp plant stem. It is very absorbent and rich in cellulose. This makes it a great thermal insulator and gives it acoustic properties, so the hurd can be used in manufacturing:
- as cement,
- for insulation,
- for paper (from untreated and unrefined chunks; which lessens manufacturing costs);
- to make biodegradable plastics that can be easily broken down and recycled (as a form of pulp).
Wait a minute: we can make a form of plastic that can be easily broken down and recycled?
It’s time to make some changes!!!!
Hemp concrete (hempcrete) is finally gaining more attention as a natural substitute for mainstream concrete. More houses in Europe and Canada are starting to build using hempcrete because of its strong insulation, windproofing, and low carbon footprint properties.
Hemp hurds are now being used for animal bedding, litter, and biodegradable garden mulch.
Once we get the politics out of this industry, we will see many benefits from using hemp, Cannabis oil, and the other 111 cannabinoids that we haven’t tapped into yet.
Now, you know the difference between hemp and pot (weed/marijuana). It’s time for better changes ahead to support our health, inspire a growing economy, save the environment, and encourage building new communities in more educated and futuristic ways.

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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.