MS and Aspartame
I have been using aspartame by drinking diet drinks and chewing sugar-free gum.
I started my health problems with arm and neck pain, and I complained to the doctor, who in turn sent me to have an MRI.
The MRI came back very abnormal, so I had a Spinal Tap, which showed some of my fluids were elevated showing possible MS in the early stages.
May I ask – does aspartame cause lesions on the brain? PLEASE RESPOND????
I am desperate to get a second opinion and hopefully learn that I may not have this disease!!
Oh my. Well, you are on the right track.

Yes. Dr. John Olney from Washington School of Medicine proved over and over again that aspartame put holes (lesions) in the brains of his lab mice.
He believed that aspartame was connected to MS symptoms.
I suggest that you get off ALL aspartame, and read all of your labels carefully because it is found in products not labeled sugar-free, such as the “new” Juicy Fruit® gums.
Carefully follow my detox program to remove all the sweetener toxins and to restore your health using the right healthy vitamins for you. But, be careful – some vitamins are junk.
Buy good health food brands. And NEVER USE isolated amino acids such as L-Lyceine. According to Dr. Olney’s research, isolated amino acids can create adverse reactions, too.
I hope that this helps. Good luck to you. Russell Blaylock has written a book EXCITOTOXINS: THE TASTE THAT KILLS. His book and my books will help you learn the details about aspartame and the other chemical sweeteners. Try to locate Dr. John Olney’s work on the Internet.
And if you want continued support as you go along, consider joining my Private Membership Inner Circle. As a member, you can email me anytime with questions, and also get access to all of my wellness programs.
Flavored Water

I have read your articles on aspartame about phenylalanine and phenylketonuria. Now my question is that I have a diabetic friend who drinks flavored water that has these things in it.
Am I thinking right that it is unhealthy for an individual with diabetes and heart problems to be drinking anything with these ingredients in them???
Should he be told that it is unsafe to drink anything with these products in them?? I would appreciate if you would let me know because I feel that it is very unsafe to drink, even though it says sodium-free, calorie-free and caffeine-free.
Please help me out.

You are correct. Anything and everything that has aspartame in it is dangerous, especially for a diabetic.
Ask him what’s wrong with regular water?
Americans are forgetting how to eat and drink the way we were intended to, and all the fancy additives that make life “sweeter” are killing us.
Your friend will discover he may have an addiction to sugary things, and if he gets off the processed fake foods and returns to a raw and natural, chemical-free diet, he should require less insulin and it won’t spike and swing his blood sugar, day by day.

He would benefit from reading my books where he will learn that the pink packet of saccharin is safe and stevia is used to treat diabetes in South America.
Coca Cola® makes a soda with stevia called Coke Life®, which is OK for him to use.
He needs to exercise, too.
How Do I Detox?
Due to a friend informing me about aspartame, I went on the internet to try to find a way to detoxify my body. At the moment, the only way to do this that I’m aware of is drinking water.
My symptoms –
- headaches,
- flickering lights in my eyes,
- depression,
- inability to sleep,
- tired,
- lethargic,
- body aches,
- numbness in hands,
- just an overall feeling of being ill.
I would like to know if there is something more I should be doing. If you could put me in contact with a local physician, I would appreciate it.

Go to my website and download my DETOX PROGRAM for free. This will tell you which vitamins to take to cleanse your body of toxins.
You can order these supplements online or at your local health food store and begin right away.
Stop using ALL aspartame, and read labels carefully as it is hidden in products NOT sugar-free.
Call a good health food store to see if they can recommend a homeopath in your area. Just getting off aspartame may improve these symptoms, though.
You are on track, so keep searching for answers and natural ways to help your immune system.
This isn’t always easy to do, and many times you need some cheerleading. If you want continued support as you go along, consider joining my Private Membership Inner Circle. As a member, you can email me anytime with questions, and also get access to all of my wellness programs.
The best in health,
Janet Hull
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.